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LifePower, (short LP), is a so-called “Applied Spiritual Philosophy”. The philosophy attempts to improve the lives of people whilst focusing on the personal life span, using and applying a variety of tools and exercises. LP consists of several techniques as well as practices, called “drills” and draws on so-called 'Listening Processes'. LifePower offers lectures, books, study courses, counseling services as well as workshops.

Throughout the years, the LP philosophy´s founder and creator Dani Lemberger[1], studied in-depth general philosophies on life, self and existence which in combination with studying Ron Hubbard´s philosophy[2], led him to develop LifePower[3]. LifePower focuses on the power of the self, in the relief of suffering from past traumatic experiences and seeks to meet a high level of consciousness, communication and serenity. It is based on the idea, that the human being is an eternal spirit. The philosophy founder claims that by applying it, a person can enhance their abilities, attain and gain personal power to create an enjoyable and meaningful life for themselves[4] .

At the present, people from all over the world enjoy benefits from LP: the ability to understand at a high level, to realize intentions and life goals, to think (re)solution-oriented, to approach and focus on own personal goals confidently and calmly.

LifePower Philosophy

LifePower, (short LP), seeks to improve people's lives, draws on exercises called drills, aiming to relief a person from past traumas, which according to LP theory, human beings experience over their life span. The philosophy aims that people re-gain (back) “power” to improve their lives and to reach their goals. Therefore, it consists of a variety of techniques, tools and practices with the aim to reach the so-called 'State of Clear'.

LP claims it is not a religion, rather an “Applied Spiritual Philosophy” and has its origins in Ron Hubbard´s book of 1950, “Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health”.

In 2017, the Israeli Dani Lemberger[5], after studying Hubbard`s philosophy in depths for 37 years simplified the philosophy to make it accessible for the broad public.

Lemberger's focus was preserving Hubbard’s philosophy in a long-term way, ensuring it remained in its original form as well as accessible for every human being.

Lemberger`s efforts have resulted so far in four books. The LifePower book is a direct outcome of Lembergers´ realization that there is a need for study material, such as books, exercise sheets etc. for teaching and for studying LifePower[6] .

The LifePower Books by Dani Lemberger (2017-2020)

In 2017 wrote Lemberger his first book titled LifePower: Your guide to achieving power in all realms of life[7] . The LifePower book serves as a guide in explaining the LP philosophy, whilst featuring, and providing, a variety of exercises and practices such as 'Listening Processes'. The book serves as a basic introduction, explaining and guiding the reader step-by-step through each theme of the philosophy.

The book, originally written in English, was translated into Hebrew, Russian, German, French, Latvian, Czech and Spanish. This first publication (2017) was followed by three other titles: Study Essentials, The Complete Communication Manual, and The Story of C and I: Theory and Practice of Control and Intention[8] .

Study Essentials (Lemberger, year 2020)[9] focuses on Study Technology according to the LifePower philosophy. The technology seeks to overcome so-called “study barriers“ and provides a variety of exercises to improve the personal study performance. Study Essentials draws on the idea, that every person is able to improve the own study performance, which stands independently from a person´s intelligence. Thus, success in studying lies in the study technology itself.

The Story of C and I: Theory and Practice of Control and Intention (Lemberger, year 2019)[10] engages with the themes of control and intention. The LifePower philosophy believes in the importance to formulate goals in one‘s life as well as in creating a purpose in life. The Story of C and I: Theory and Practice of Control and Intention, provides the reader with five drills and seeks to support a person´s progress in formulating goals and to engage with their realization actively.

The Complete Communication Manual (Lemberger, year 2018)[11] explores interaction and communication with others and seeks to improve a person´s communication skills, based on the LifePower philosophy. Communication is a central point in life, which when communication works adds in to a joyful and happy life of a person. The book presents eight communication drills seeking to improve a person´s communication skills, to improve relationships with their surrounding and environment.

LifePower: Applied Life Philosophy

LP focuses on strengthening people's self-conscious and self-confidence and practices being confident and serene on their personal way, when reaching for their goals. Therefore, in the center of the philosophy is the term “power“ and on the person (the spirit) gaining back power over their lives.

LP posits that power is the condition, when a person attains and achieves each of their life goals, personal intentions and conditions got set and have been met.

The Being in LifePower (LP): The Spirit

In the center of the LifePower philosophy stands the spirit. LP states that each person is a spirit. According to the philosophy, the spirit owns and operates the human body. The philosophy asserts, that the spirit is immortal.[12]

Survival and Decision Making Processes

Survival is a key theme of the philosophy. Following LP, survival is a key theme in decision-making processes. Decision making as as well a central theme, which is perceived necessary to improve human survival and to reach personal life goals. Hence, a good decision is one, which secures and ensures the spirit's survival.

The Mind: Data

Over one's life span the spirit collects data. The philosophy states, that this is an automatically happening process. According to LP, the spirit's existence consists out of thinking and accumulating data. And in its final step, to analyze and apply data.[13]

The Mind: Data Storage

Following LP are data which the spirit collects, stored in the mind, for later usage. Every person organizes data, according to subjects and types of information. Information on a similar (subject) and on the same subject stand in relation to one another, and LP calls this a “chain”. However, besides grouping gained data according to themes and subjects, another relevant aspect is time. The LP philosophy claims that a person`s mind creates for this matter a so-called "time track". Data are stored according to themes and according to time and kept on the time track.[14]

The Aware Mind

The philosophy claims, that the stage in which a person receives information (data) is the state of awareness.

LP states, a person remembers information only when experiencing these comfortably. Having the ability to receive, to remember and to storage information is according LPthe ability to “confront”. Every person has information that they do not remember as well as others. Following the philosophy, this means the being is not in control of these data and information. Being in charge and in control, would mean that the being is in an aware state. LP labels this the “Aware Mind”.

The Reactive Mind

The Reactive Mind is working with experiences and information a person has or is not experiencing in a comfortable way.

This means that, negative happenings and experiences, are not getting stored in the Aware, but in the Reactive Mind. Past events evoke in the future certain negative reactions. This is, since these stand in direct connection to harm, pain, which a person is not comfortable with . According to LP, the person themselves is not aware of this process and thereby its declared as an unconscious process.

However, negative experiences such as a car accident have severe consequences for the mind. According to LP belief, a person might develop an uncontrolled fear of, for instance blue cars. Hence, a person reactions: false believes get created, such as all blue cars mean harm and danger. Hence, these false information will serve the being later on, to react in a certain manner, out of having experienced something not comfortably.


LP considers negative experiences a 'Trauma'. The philosophy distinguishes between a physical and an emotional trauma. Traumas in the Reactive Mind will build up over time and over a person's life span, to a negative charge, over which the person will not have any control later. This means, a person cannot control their own reactions in certain situations, based on negative experiences in the past, such as being scared when seeing a blue car.

Therefore, LP offers techniques and tools to work on traumatic events and to neutralize these to give a person relief from trauma and to bring a person, in its final goal, to the so-called 'State of Clear'. The Clear is a person without negative charge hence a person without a Reactive Mind, only having an Aware Mind.[15]

LifePower Founder

Dani Lemberger (born on May 31st, 1952) is the owner and manager of Wilbush Ltd, a real estate holdings company, founder of the LifePower network and author of the LifePower books. In 1992 Dani Lemberger founded, together with his wife Tami Lemberger, Dror Center[16] in Haifa, of which he is the managing partner since.

Spirituality and Self Improvement

Lemberger always actively sought to understand the meaning of self and life. Therefore, he studied a broad range of philosophies on self and self-awareness. This included Alan Watts]’s books on [Zen Buddhism, Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan series and a variety of well-known philosophers as well as history books.

For five years (1974 – 1979) Lemberger had sessions with a psychoanalyst in Haifa, Dr. Hayim Gilan, an expert in so-called ‘Free Association’ according to Freudian Psychoanalysis. This experience proved its merit for Lemberger as it greatly increased several abilities, such as communicating emotions, success in personal relationships as well as improvement of work performance. Towards the end of 1979, the sessions ended, having taken everything possible out of psychoanalysis with the decision, to continue his search for life´s meaning and purpose elsewhere. This search led Lemberger in April 1980, to San Fransisco and to the philosophy of Ron Hubbard.

External Sources


  • Fedorov, M. (2020). Dani Lemberger lecture - Successful actions in creating and expanding Dror Center. Theta Flow - Online Conference. Duration: 2:32:51. Uploaded: 15.05.2020 last accessed: 07.09.2020

