Mitchen Golding

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Mitchen J. Golding Ponishare-verified.png
Nationality South African
Occupation Preacher, Social Video Creator
Years active 2023 to present
Religion Christianity

Unveiling the Passionate Preacher Mitchen Golding

Mitchen Golding is a South African preacher,YouTuber[1]and TikToker [2]who passionately spreads the word of Jesus Christ and the message of salvation. With a focus on healing and deliverance, Mitchen is driven by a deep desire to see people saved and set free from afflictions such as sickness and demonic oppression. His compassionate heart extends to those in need, as he works tirelessly to bring the love and power of Jesus to those who are hurting.

Early life and impact

Born in April in South Africa, Mitchen has witnessed numerous miracles through his ministry. From praying for individuals who have experienced physical healing, such as regaining feeling in their feet or being freed from high-blood pressure, to providing inner healing for those who have faced traumatic experiences, Mitchen's faith in Jesus has led to transformative results. His unwavering devotion to sharing the gospel and making a positive impact on people's lives is evident in his mission to reach nations with the message of hope and redemption.

Mission and goals

Mitchen Golding's ultimate goal is to impact lives with the gospel, following in the footsteps of Jesus by healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, and casting out demons. Through his powerful preaching, online platforms, and dedication to serving others, Mitchen continues to spread the love of Christ and bring light into the lives of those in need.


In conclusion, Mitchen Golding is a shining example of a modern-day preacher who is unafraid to embrace new ways of spreading the gospel. Through his work as a YouTuber, TikToker, and preacher, he has touched the lives of many and inspired them to walk in the path of faith and love. As he continues to grow his online presence, Mitchen Golding remains dedicated to sharing the message of Jesus Christ with the world, one digital platform at a time.

Social Platforms


Youtube Channel

TikTok Channel

Christian Blog

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