Gate of Hope

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Gate of Hope
Formation June 3, 2021

Charity Organization-

U.S. Registration: Registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, recognized by the IRS. All donations are tax-deductible.
Legal status non-profit organization
Headquarters United States of America

• U.S. Office: Virginia, USA.

• Afghanistan Offices: Kabul and Mazar-i-Sharif.

• Health • Agriculture • Education • Social Affairs

• Volunteerism
Key people
Saboor Kamal (Chairman and CEO)
Main organ
Includes professors, specialists, engineers, doctors, students, scholars, businessmen, and investors from both genders, representing various sectors and nationalities.

Gate of Hope is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Virginia, USA, with significant operational presence in Kabul and Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan. Established on June 3, 2021, the organization was formed in response to the dire humanitarian and developmental needs following the withdrawal of international military forces from Afghanistan. Gate of Hope aims to provide sustainable aid and development programs tailored to the unique challenges of Afghanistan’s socio-political and economic landscape.[1][2]


Gate of Hope was conceived by a group of Afghan and international professionals committed to the welfare of Afghan people amidst growing instability. The organization was first registered in Afghanistan and simultaneously in the USA, seeking to leverage international support to enhance local initiatives. Since its inception, Gate of Hope has focused on creating long-term solutions for resilience and self-sufficiency among Afghan communities.[3]

Mission and Vision

The mission of Gate of Hope is to deliver effective, sustainable solutions in the realms of health, education, agriculture, and social welfare to empower the Afghan population, particularly focusing on the underserved and vulnerable groups. Its vision is an Afghanistan where every individual has access to the resources they need for a healthy, educated, and prosperous life. The organization's ethos is rooted in principles of dignity, equity, transparency, and local ownership of development initiatives.

Governance and Structure

Gate of Hope is managed by a board of directors with diverse expertise in international development, nonprofit management, and sector-specific knowledge. Day-to-day operations are overseen by a dedicated team of program managers and field staff who work closely with local communities to ensure the effective implementation of projects.

Programs and Activities

Comprehensive Health Initiatives

  • Mobile Health Units: These units provide essential healthcare services to remote and inaccessible areas, offering treatments, preventive care, and health education.
  • Community Health Worker Training: Extensive training programs that enhance the capabilities of local health workers in delivering community-based health care and emergency response.
  • Mental Health and Psychosocial Support: Specialized programs addressing the mental health needs resulting from decades of conflict, including trauma counseling and group therapy.

Sustainable Agricultural Practices

  • Advanced Agricultural Techniques: Training sessions and resource distribution for advanced techniques in farming that increase yield and are resilient to climate change.
  • Agricultural Innovation Labs: Research and development centers that work with local farmers to innovate farming practices and introduce sustainable agricultural technologies.
  • Supply Chain Development: Programs designed to streamline agricultural supply chains, reduce losses, and increase farmer revenues through direct market access.

Educational Programs and Advocacy

  • Infrastructure Development: Building state-of-the-art educational facilities that provide safe learning environments.
  • Curriculum Enhancement: Developing curricula that incorporate critical thinking, peace education, and skills necessary for the modern workforce.
  • Educational Policy Advocacy: Working with Afghan government bodies to reform educational policies and systems to improve nationwide educational standards.

Empowerment and Capacity Building

  • Leadership Training for Women: These initiatives aim to enhance the role of women in Afghan society by providing leadership training and advocating for greater participation in public and private sectors.
  • Youth Engagement Programs: Programs that engage youth in civic activities and decision-making processes to foster a generation of informed and active citizens.
  • Legal Aid and Rights Education: Offering legal assistance and educating citizens about their rights to strengthen the rule of law and civic engagement.

Impact and Recognition

Gate of Hope has been instrumental in:

  • Improving Health Outcomes: Significant advancements in maternal and child health, reduction in disease prevalence, and better health awareness among communities.
  • Boosting Agricultural Productivity: Notable increases in agricultural productivity and income levels of farmers through modernization and training.
  • Enhancing Educational Access and Quality: Increased enrollment rates, particularly for girls, and improved educational outcomes through enhanced facilities and curricula.

Empowering Women:

Before the closure of schools to girls, the organization managed to provide over 15,000 young ladies, consisting of teachers, students, and pupils from grades 10-12 in female schools, with training in basic healthcare (nursing), delivered by professional doctors. After the course, organization distributes graduation certificates. Distributed over 400 sewing machines across different regions of the country.

Fortunately, today over 1200 workshops and manufacturing units voluntarily collaborate with the Gate of Hope Charity Foundation and operate under one umbrella (supported by Gate of Hope), including about 55,000 women and men.

Established over 480 sewing workshops and manufacturing devices for professional women in several provinces.

GOH created six-month sewing courses for over 1,500 women in several provinces, some of whom completed the course and received certificates, while the majority were dispersed after the fall.

Recently, GOH aims to hold first aid (nursing) training seminars in all workshops, ensuring that participants also have access to first aid kits. The seminars have started and are ongoing. If this process is successfully completed, we will train over 60,000 women as healthcare professionals and nurses for the community, marking the highest number in Afghanistan's history..[4]

Education for All:

Gate of Hope gathered over 120 impoverished children (vulnerable or distressed) who were working in tough conditions on the streets and markets, and enrolled them in a private school named Forough Aria, where they receive free education and training.

It distributed school kits to over 50 schools in various remote parts of the country.

It also organized and conducted hundreds of educational and training seminars in various fields to enhance capacity building, especially among women.

Health and Well-being:

GOH distributed winter and autumn clothes to more than 15,000 internally displaced persons from internal conflicts.[5] Also distributed food supplies to hundreds of deserving and impoverished families.

Empowering Communities:

  • Distributed laying hens to over two hundred deserving families.[6]
  • Repaired and assisted mosques, schools, and social places.
  • Repaired, constructed, and dug several drinking water wells, installing water pumps for clean water use.
  • Organized volleyball competitions across 14 districts of Balkh.

Digital Outreach and Innovation:

In an increasingly interconnected world, Gate of Hope leverages the power of technology to extend its reach and impact. Through its digital outreach efforts, including an informative website (, social media campaigns, and online learning platforms, the organization connects with a global audience and amplifies its message of hope and empowerment. By embracing innovation and embracing digital tools, Gate of Hope remains at the forefront of change, inspiring others to join the journey towards a brighter future for Afghanistan.[7]

See Also


External links