Yuri Lushchai

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The below content is licensed according to Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License contrary to the public domain logo at the foot of the page. It originally appeared on http://en.wikipedia.org. The original article might still be accessible here. You may be able to find a list of the article's previous contributors on the talk page.

Yuri Volodomyrovich Lushchai 10 February 1982 – 28 March 2024) was a Ukrainian Wikipedian, historian and poet.

Early life and education

Lushchai was born on 10 February in 1982 in Kramatorsk.[1] His parents worked at a factory.[2]

Lushchai started to be interested in history while studying at school.[2] In 2006, he finished his master's degree in at the Faculty of History in National University of Kharkiv.[3] He was conducting historical researches.[2] In the early 2010s, he was a Ph.D. student at Kharkiv National Pedagogical University.[4][5]

Career and writing

Lushchai worked as a teacher and lecturer.[2]

He began writing poems in Ukrainian in 1995. In 2000, Lushchai started to write rhymed poems, and in 2018, began writing fairy tales. He published a book in 2023.[2]

Personal life and death

In 2009, Lushchai registered on Russian Wikipedia. He became a patrolled user in 2012, and an administrator in 2018. Lushchai started approximately 300 articles. In 2015, 2017, and 2020, he was a member of Russian Wikipedia's Arbitration Committee.[3]

On 6 April 2022, after the beginning of Russian invasion of Ukraine, he moved with his family to the west of Ukraine.[1]

Lushchai enlisted in the Ukrainian Army in 2023, after several attempts.[citation needed] He was killed in action while defending his native Donetsk Oblast. Starting from 28 March, he was regarded as missing.[2] Lushchai died near Ivanivske, Donetsk Oblast. He was buried on 10 April[1][6] in Mukachevo Raion in Zakarpattia Oblast.[7]

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Микола Жалнін (11 April 2024). ""Я все-таки дожив до 42 років": на Закарпатті попрощалися із загиблим на війні краматорцем" (in uk). https://www.kramatorskpost.com/ya-vse-taki-doziv-do-42-rokiv-na-zakarpatti-poproshhalisya-iz-zagiblim-na-viini-kramatorcem_86355. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Антон Малиновський (11 April 2024). ""Ми за свободу боролись скільки було наших сил": захищаючи Донеччину загинув поет з Краматорська Юрій Лущай" (in uk). https://pro100media.com.ua/eksklyuzyv/my-za-svobodu-borolys-skilky-bulo-nashyh-syl-zahyshhayuchy-donechchynu-zagynuv-poet-z-kramatorska-yurij-lushhaj/. 
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Участник:Юрий Владимирович Л." (in ru). https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Участник:Юрий_Владимирович_Л.. 
  4. "Програма конференції "Християнізаційні впливи в Київській Русі за часів князя Оскольда: 1150 років"" (in uk). https://religions.unian.ua/religinossociety/427569-programa-konferentsiji-hristiyanizatsiyni-vplivi-v-kijivskiy-rusi-za-chasiv-knyazya-oskolda-1150-rokiv.html. 
  5. Лущай, Ю.В. (2015). "ЛЕКСИЧЕСКИЕ ЗАИМСТВОВАНИЯ ИЗ СЛАВЯНСКИХ ЯЗЫКОВ В ЗАПАДНОЕВРОПЕЙСКИХ ИСТОЧНИКАХ XIII-XV вв". https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/287448203.pdf. 
  6. На Закарпатті попрощалися із полеглим на війні Юрієм Лущаєм
  7. Под Бахмутом погиб украинский историк, который писал статьи для "Википедии"

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