Johnson Attorneys Group

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Johnson Attorneys Group is recognized as one of California's premier personal injury law firms, known for its compassionate client care, aggressive advocacy, and commitment to achieving justice for its clients. Led by founding partner James Johnson, Esq., the firm continues to uphold its reputation for excellence in legal representation.


Johnson Attorneys Group is a California-based personal injury law firm that offers comprehensive legal services to clients who have suffered injuries or the loss of a loved one due to negligence. With a focus on personalized service and aggressive advocacy, the firm is committed to protecting the rights of its clients and ensuring they receive the justice and compensation they deserve.


The firm specializes in handling a wide range of personal injury and wrongful death claims, including:

  • Vehicle & Transportation Accidents
  • Victim Injuries
  • Personal Injury Accidents


Johnson Attorneys Group adopts a personalized approach to each case, understanding the unique circumstances and needs of every client. The firm provides 24/7 access to a dedicated team that works tirelessly to guide clients through the legal process, ensuring they receive the right medical care, understand their rights, and are not pressured into settling for less than they deserve.


  • Getting You The Right Care: Ensuring clients receive treatment from the best doctors to aid in their recovery.
  • Simplifying the Process: Guiding clients through the complexities of legal matters so they can focus on healing.
  • Maximizing Net Settlements: Negotiating aggressively to secure the maximum compensation for clients.
  • Prompt Resolutions: Prioritizing clients' needs and ensuring timely resolutions, without letting insurance companies delay proceedings.
  • Bring Closure: Striving for a swift and satisfactory conclusion, while ensuring justice is served.