All Saints Church

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All Saints Church is a Christian community initiated by the Almighty through Christ whose teachings inspired the Right Reverend Samuel Kporaro to submit to the authority of the Almighty to lead in the communion of saints for the forgiveness of sins. The right Reverend Samuel Kporaro had always been influenced by Christ and has always tried to tell the world about Christ which is why in an apparently abandoned Facebook profile, the favourite quote is this, "A life without Christ is a lie full of Crisis." And the posts in that Facebook profile timeline turns out to include messages from the Christian perspective to the world.

All Saints Church is organized in terms of administration into local church councils (LCC) under a diocese presided over by a bishop, with each dioceses consisting of numerous local communities (parish). Each diocese is within an archdiocese, with the Archbishop of the Niger as the supreme universal leader of All Saints Church universally.

The beliefs of the church are summarized in the modified Nicene Creed which is stated as follows:

 I believe in the Almighty, the predecessor that always succeeds: that of, and from which is all that has existed, all that exists, and all that will ever exist. I believe in the only true son, and the divine sisters. I acknowledge that it would have been me that suffers, not only under Pontius Pilate, but criticized, crucified and certified dead, and buried. But by the power of the Almighty I always rise again, to be at the bright side and ascend the supernatural ladder. The Almighty will come again, to judge the living, and for the survival of the faithfuls from the realm of the dead.
 I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy apostolic and catholic church which I always represent. I believe in the communion of the saints, the forgiveness of sins, the survival from the realm of the dead, and life everlasting. Amen.

The modified Nicene Creed is justified by the All Saints Church council by claims that the original Creed is not a copyright material but a declaration of faith which can be modified to make Christianity truly catholic (universal).


The Right Reverend Samuel Kporaro has claimed that he is a fulfilment of a supernatural arrangement to guide humans and higher intelligent beings. The church started when Samuel began to preach from the Holy Bible to younger school children every Friday, the children were not working and so were preferred as they couldn't be exploited financially. Samuel claims that unlike other people most of whom venture into Christian service so as to exploit the people, the choice of primary school children is evidence that the purpose of All Saints Church is not to exploit but to enlighten the people.

See also
