Haridash Bachar

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Haridash Bachar Verified.png

Haridasah bachar Image.
Native name Haridash Bachar (হরিদাশ বাছাড় )
Born 21 November 2000 (2000-11-21) (age 23)
Residence Khulna District, Bangladesh
Nationality Bangladeshi
Education Harvard University - Online Batch
Known for Lead generation Expert & Programmer
Home town Khulna District, Bangladesh
Height 5.5"
Weight 69kg
Religion Hindu


Born 21 Nov 2000, Haridash Bachar. embarked on a journey of discovery and growth that would shape a life dedicated to learning, innovation, and connection. Raised in Khulna, the foundations of curiosity and resilience were instilled early on. As a young mind eager to explore the world, I pursued education at Anthropology where B.L college became the focal point of academic passion.

The professional journey began at Freelancing, serving as a launching pad for a career marked by a commitment to excellence. Over the years, I honed my skills in Lead Generation expert and navigated diverse roles at USA Clients, each experience contributing to a dynamic skill set and a comprehensive understanding of Freelancing.

Beyond the professional sphere, my personal life is woven with threads of meaningful relationships, cultural exploration, and a continuous pursuit of self-discovery. Family and friends provide a strong foundation, while hobbies such as Lead generation expert and Programmer offer a retreat into creativity and mindfulness.

The ethos of my journey lies in the belief that every challenge is an opportunity for growth, and every interaction is a chance to learn. Committed to making a positive impact, I strive to contribute to both personal and collective growth. As the chapters of life unfold, I embrace the unknown with a spirit of curiosity and a determination to leave a lasting legacy of inspiration and innovation. The journey continues, with each day presenting new possibilities to explore, connect, and evolve.

And I am trying to learn new something day by day.


I am a full time freelancer. and I am working as a Lead Generation expert and Data entry specialist. I have 3+ years of experience on Lead generation and Data entry. I have already completed more job with my clients. I will provide you 100% accuracy leads for growing your Business. Always my target is client satisfaction.

Personal Life

In the realm of my personal life, I find joy in the simple yet profound experiences that shape my journey. Family and friends are the pillars of my support system, providing a tapestry of love, laughter, and shared memories. Whether exploring the outdoors, reading a captivating book, or engaging in thought-provoking conversations, I cherish the moments that add depth and color to my days. Balancing introspection with social connection, I strive to nurture personal growth and cultivate a sense of fulfillment. Embracing curiosity, I am an avid learner, always seeking new opportunities for discovery. This journey through life is a mosaic of relationships, passions, and continuous self-discovery, and I am grateful for the rich tapestry that personal experiences weave into the fabric of who I am.

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