Septimius Pictures

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Septimius Pictures
Type Non-Profit Organization
Industry Film Industry
Founded 2023
Founder(s) Jan-Willem Breure
Headquarters Netherlands

Septimius Pictures is a Netherlands-based non-profit organization dedicated to film production, renowned for its focus on supporting diverse narratives with significant cultural impact. Founded on the principles of celebrating diversity and highlighting the historical richness of African culture, the organization has established itself as a bastion of storytelling that resonates with global audiences.

History and Mission

Established with a passionate commitment to fostering cinematic projects that encapsulate the essence of cultural diversity, Septimius Pictures has emerged as a champion of narratives that honor the depth and diversity of African heritage. The organization's core ethos revolves around amplifying stories that have a lasting cultural impact, elevating voices often underrepresented in mainstream media.

Septimius Pictures' mission encompasses not only the creation of compelling films but also the preservation and celebration of African culture and history. The organization actively seeks to provide a platform for stories that showcase the vibrancy and significance of Africa's rich tapestry, aiming to engage, educate, and inspire audiences worldwide.


Septimius Pictures is currently engaged in the development of several feature films that promise to transport viewers on immersive journeys while honoring cultural heritage. Among the notable projects in the pipeline are:

1. "Nzinga" During the 17th-century peak of the transatlantic slave trade, European Empires dominated Africa; notably, the expansive Portuguese Empire. Amidst this, Ndongo, led by warrior Queen Nzinga, fiercely held onto freedom, resisting enslavement unlike other African regions.

2. "Amarina" In 24 BC, Romans conquer Egypt but face a greater peril: the Empire of Kush's army led by Queen Amanirena. She captures Roman soldier Marcus Cornelius. Their evolving bond holds the fate of Rome in the balance.

3. "Xuxa" In 2000, post-apartheid, the president preaches forgiveness, but dissent brews within. Party members plot to eliminate apartheid fugitives discreetly. Xuxa, part of this covert team, defies orders to spare a boy, becoming a target. As they bond in hiding, Xuxa rediscovers humanity, altering her once callous demeanor.

Cultural Impact and Future Prospects Septimius Pictures' unwavering dedication to portraying diverse narratives and its emphasis on African culture and history mark it as a pivotal player in the realm of global filmmaking. As the organization continues to advance its mission, audiences worldwide eagerly anticipate the release of these cinematic gems, poised to enrich and enlighten with their immersive storytelling and cultural significance.

The organization's commitment to fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for African heritage through the medium of film underscores its significance in shaping a more inclusive cinematic landscape.

As Septimius Pictures stands at the forefront of creativity, passionately crafting stories that resonate on a global scale, its impact continues to reverberate, promising a future filled with cinematic experiences that celebrate the richness and diversity of cultures around the world.


External links