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MINDSCAN Ponishare-verified.png
Type Private
Industry Online Career Counseling, Couple Compatibility, Psychometric Assessment
Founder(s) Arun Kumar Saxena
Area served India
Key people Arun Kumar Saxena (Founder)
Products Psychometric Assessment, Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT)
Services AI-driven Career Counseling, Couple Compatibility Analysis
Website https://mindscan.in/

In the ever-evolving landscape of career counseling and couple compatibility analysis, MINDSCAN stands out as a paragon of professionalism and innovation. Positioned as a leading entity in India, MINDSCAN has left an indelible mark on the industry, delivering unparalleled services backed by state-of-the-art technology and an unwavering commitment to quality.

Leading the Way in Career Counseling

MINDSCAN prides itself on being a meticulously managed organization, setting the pace as a trailblazer in the online career counseling sector. With a keen focus on providing exceptional services, the company has gained recognition for its proficiency in Psychometric Assessment and Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT).

Exemplary Certification Standards

What distinguishes MINDSCAN is its steadfast dedication to upholding the highest standards of quality and data security. The company proudly holds certifications such as ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2022, underscoring its commitment to excellence. These certifications ensure that MINDSCAN adheres to rigorous processes, offering clients a reliable and secure environment for their assessments.

AI-Driven Precision in Psychometric Assessment

MINDSCAN's Psychometric Assessment, powered by artificial intelligence, is a revolutionary tool guided by experts in neuroscience and cognitive learning. Tailoring recommendations for students and professionals starting as early as Class 8, this assessment provides a comprehensive 360-degree report. It delves into an individual's top skills, strengths, areas for improvement, hobbies, career paths, and evaluates 10 key personality traits and skill areas, including Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Physical Quotient (PQ), and Social Quotient (SQ).

DMIT Application: Nurturing Talents Across Generations

A flagship offering from MINDSCAN, the Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) application draws from over two centuries of research. Tailored for individuals aged 2 to 70, it aims to uncover inborn talents early on, offering insights for better future alignment for students, professionals, and couples alike.

Empowering Insights through DMIT

With an impressive satisfaction rate exceeding 95%, the DMIT application goes beyond expectations, providing unparalleled insights into the functions of the brain. It presents a Multiple Quotient Distribution Chart, exploring various quotients like IQ, EQ, AQ, and CQ. The application generates a unique DISC Profile focusing on personality, learning styles (VAK-Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic), Multiple Intelligences, extra-curricular activities, and a wide array of 17 career options while enhancing couple compatibility.

Catalyzing Transformation in Lives

MINDSCAN's impact extends far beyond individual assessments, catalyzing transformative changes in the lives of its beneficiaries. By unveiling potentials, aligning careers, and fostering compatibility, the company plays a pivotal role in shaping the future paths of students, professionals, and couples alike.

In the intricate web of career counseling and couple compatibility analysis, MINDSCAN emerges not merely as a service provider but as a catalyst for personal and professional growth. Rooted in unwavering commitment and fueled by research and innovation, MINDSCAN continues to illuminate the path towards a brighter and more harmonious future for individuals and couples across India.

Arun Kumar Saxena: Visionary Architect of MINDSCAN's Triumph

Guiding MINDSCAN's journey is Arun Kumar Saxena, a visionary founder with an illustrious career in sales and marketing. With successful tenures at industry giants like Airtel, Reliance Communications, Sify, and Bitchem, Arun's expertise reflects a profound understanding of human psychology. Topping his Graduation with Psychology and holding a Masters in Management and M.Phil. (Management), Arun brings a unique blend of academic excellence and practical acumen to MINDSCAN. Fueled by a fervent passion for unlocking human potential, he established MINDSCAN, specializing in DMIT and Psychometric assessments. Holding certifications as a Certified Advanced Career Counsellor, DMIT Counsellor, and Study Abroad Counsellor, Arun's guiding influence shapes the innovative solutions offered by MINDSCAN. Committed to excellence and fostering informed discourse, Arun Saxena is not merely a founder but the driving force propelling MINDSCAN towards success and transformative impact.

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