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A webcam, short for web camera, is a digital camera designed to capture video and transmit it over the internet. It is typically used for video communication, live streaming, or recording videos. Webcams have become an integral part of modern computing and are commonly built into laptops, tablets, and smartphones, while external webcams are available for desktop computers.[1]


The concept of the webcam dates back to the early 20th century when engineers first began experimenting with closed-circuit television (CCTV) technology. However, the term "webcam" gained prominence in the mid-1990s, with the advent of the World Wide Web. In 1991, the first webcam was created at the University of Cambridge to monitor a coffee pot, allowing researchers to see if the pot was empty without leaving their desks.[2] This early application of webcam technology laid the foundation for its use in various fields, from video conferencing to online entertainment.


  1. What is a Webcam? - Definition from Techopedia
  2. The History of the Webcam - Techwalla