Demee Koch

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Demee koch

Demee Koch
Born May 5, 1978 (1978-05-05) (age 46)
Occupation Entrepreneur

Demee Koch is a visionary entrepreneur with a profound passion for developing meaningful beauty products and driving lasting social change. Over the course of two dynamic decades, Demee has harnessed courage, risk tolerance, resilience, and an ability to navigate ambiguity, all while championing essential causes. Her journey is a testament to her dedication to the beauty industry and her unwavering commitment to educating people about the limitless nature of brilliance, irrespective of race or gender.

The Birth of DE MOI

DE MOI, Demee's brainchild, was born out of a profound passion for spreading happiness and love. She firmly believes that beauty extends beyond external appearances and that true beauty comes from within. This belief has been nurtured in her hometown of Cebu in the Philippines, during her global travels, and in the welcoming embrace of Zurich, Switzerland. Throughout her rich life experiences, Demee has consistently observed that remarkable women can excel even in male-dominated environments without the need for exceptional circumstances.

A Paradigm Shift in Beauty

Demee is an advocate for redefining the role of women in society, believing that they should not be confined to serving as unattainable ideals of perfection and beauty. Instead, she asserts that women have the power to change the game by actively listening to others, honing their skills, and promoting women's beauty, leadership, and empowerment.

Advocate for Conscious Beauty and Entrepreneurship

Demee is a sought-after speaker, guest author, and commentator in the realm of conscious beauty and entrepreneurship. Her platform is rooted in strong advocacy for healthy beauty, inclusivity, empowerment, and social impact. Her efforts have been recognized and honored with prestigious awards, such as being named one of the most influential Filipinas in the world by Global FWN and receiving the title of Ambassador of Peace from the Universal Peace Federation UK, an NGO with general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Demee uses her influence to make a difference in the world.

Forbes Business Council Influencer

As a member of the Forbes Business Council, Demee shares her extensive expertise in business and conscious entrepreneurship through her insightful articles.

Book: Becoming Miss Right: A Holistic Journey to Fulfillment

Demee Koch's book, "Becoming Miss Right: A Holistic Journey to Fulfillment," is a transformative guide for modern women seeking success, love, and personal growth. It provides real strategies, heartfelt encouragement, and actionable insights to navigate the complex realms of career, relationships, and inner peace. With a holistic perspective, universal appeal, and practical lessons, the book empowers women to master all aspects of life and join a community of empowered individuals. It's not just a book; it's a movement that serves as a catalyst for personal transformation and a more fulfilling life.

Beyond Business

Demee's impact extends beyond the business world. She serves as a Member of the Corporate Board of the innovative boxing brand SPARBAR and holds the position of shareholder and corporate board member at Luxvivendi, a company dedicated to celebrating the finest in luxury products, services, food, and luxury experiences.

A Philanthropic Heart

Demee is deeply committed to supporting charitable organizations that work to improve the lives of others. She is involved with Voice of the Free, a hybrid organization that combines social care, social entrepreneurship, and mobilizing social movements to bring about lasting social change. Additionally, she serves as a board member for the Breaking Silence Movement, a private non-profit organization dedicated to fighting gender-based violence. Demee has also established the DE MOI fund to benefit nonprofit organizations that collaborate with DE MOI, including BSM and Voice of the Free.

Demee Koch is not just a business leader; she is a force of inspiration and transformation, tirelessly working to bring about positive change in the world.
