Arif Mahamud

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Revision as of 16:50, 14 October 2023 by WritingSnowman (Talk | contribs) (WritingSnowman moved page Arifmahamud01789 to Arif Mahamud)

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{{Infobox adult biography
| name                      = 
| image                     = 
| image_size                = 
| alt                       = 
| caption                   = 
| native_name               = 
| native_name_lang          = 
| birth_name                = 
| birth_date                = <!-- For living people supply only the year unless the exact date is already WIDELY published, as per [[WP:DOB]] -->
| birth_place               = 
| baptised                  = <!-- not displayed if birth_date is given -->
| disappeared_date          = 
| disappeared_place         = 
| disappeared_status        = 
| death_date                = 
| death_place               = 
| death_cause               = 
| body_discovered           = 
| resting_place             = 
| resting_place_coordinates = 
| monuments                 = 
| residence                 = 
| nationality               = 
| other_names               = 
| citizenship               = 
| education                 = 
| alma_mater                = 
| occupation                = 
| years_active              = 
| employer                  = 
| organization              = 
| agent                     = 
| known_for                 = 
| notable_works             = 
| style                     = 
| home_town                 = 
| salary                    = 
| net_worth                 = 
| height                    =  <!-- "X cm", "X m"  or "X ft Y in" plus optional reference (conversions are automatic) -->
| weight                    =  <!-- "X kg", "X lb" or "X st Y lb" plus optional reference (conversions are automatic) -->
| television                = 
| title                     = 
| term                      = 
| predecessor               = 
| successor                 = 
| party                     = 
| movement                  = 
| opponents                 = 
| boards                    = 
| criminal_charge           = 
| criminal_penalty          = 
| criminal_status           = 
| spouse                    = 
| partner                   = 
| children                  = 
| parents                   = 
| relatives                 = 
| callsign                  = 
| awards                    = 
| website                   = 
| number_of_films           = 
| signature                 = 
| signature_alt             = 
| signature_size            = 