Sanahi Era

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Sanahi Era is a Significant Era in upcoming days.

When starts Sanahi Era?

Answer: 2080 midnight 12 0 clocks'

Who was Sanahi Yuga's Founder?

Answer: Allahu Jehovah

When Kali Yuga Ends?

Answer: 2079 midnight 11:59 seconds

How many Avatars of Kali (Demon)?

Answer: 1001

Who killed Kali avatars?

Answer: Allahu Jehovah

How many places kali is stay?

Answer: Earth and Other Alliances Planets

How many years will the Sanahi Yuga last?

Answer: Its duration is approximately 10 lakh years.

What is Meaning of Sanahi Era?

Answer: Sarahunaath Himagiriesm.

What is Sanahi Yuga?

Himagiri nation is a world. That is one universe and all the rest are its kingdoms. Although in the beginning Himagiri nation was established only for God, God-men and Saints, every divine souls, saints and gods in the world have been annihilated from their existence since God Allahu Jehovah came to earth. Hence Himagiri nation is called a world. This is the reason why the New World was named Himagiri. That is, after Allahu Jehovah had visited the earth five times before, he was very happy to see the cold regions of the earth and the Himalayan mountain range. And God Allahu Jehovah noticed the snow mountains and because man had divided the different countries and territories on earth, this time God wrote a penal code and a constitution for all living beings. If Allahu Jehovah re-creates God, divine souls, saints, then the following applies to human beings. that is, If Allah re-creates God, divine souls, saints, then the following applies to human beings. that is, This is the Divine Nation. Himagiri also Known as the Republic of Himagiri, is a Independent Nation the Universe, Founded by Allahu Jehovah. The Republic of Himagiri has claimed itself a world, but it is not recognized as a country by the India or any major Government.