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A cloud-based fundraising/donation app for Canadian nonprofits to help them with their fundraising initiatives. The company is headquartered in Ontario, Canada.


Werbylo is a prominent Canadian crowdfunding platform that provides a seamless and efficient way for charities and non-profit organizations to raise funds for events and causes. With a commitment to making the donation process fast, easy, and smart, Werbylo offers a diverse range of online fundraising options, including the utilization of QR codes through their cutting-edge donation app.

One of Werbylo's distinctive features is their QR code-based fundraising solution, which allows organizations to maximize donations by leveraging the power of technology. Donors can simply scan the QR codes with their smartphones, instantly accessing the donation app and making secure contributions. This streamlined process eliminates the need for cumbersome manual data entry or lengthy forms, saving time and effort for both donors and organizations.

Safety and security are of paramount importance at Werbylo. The platform is designed with robust security measures to ensure that all transactions are protected and confidential. Donors can have peace of mind knowing that their sensitive information is safeguarded, and organizations can trust that their fundraising efforts are conducted in a secure environment.

Werbylo's donor and campaign management platform is tailored to accommodate organizations of all sizes. Whether it's a small local charity or a large-scale non-profit, Werbylo's platform provides comprehensive tools and resources for effective donor engagement. From donor tracking and reporting to campaign customization and analytics, organizations can leverage the latest best practices in donor management to optimize their fundraising strategies and achieve their fundraising goals.


Three-tap Donation Process: A simple three step process to make a donation. This process increases the donation success rate by 75%.


Zapier: Zapier is an automation tool that acts as a versatile connector, facilitating seamless integration between over 1000 business web applications at various levels.

FB/Instagram Advertising: This integration helps nonprofits expand the reach of fundraising campaign with the help of social media.

Donor Management: Donor management facilitates non profit organizations with donor information, monitoring and recording interactions, and nurturing ongoing relationships with donors.

Donor Engagement & Insights: Equips nonprofits with analytical donor data to enhance and improve fundraising initiatives.

Virtual Terminal: A virtual terminal helps nonprofits accept donations without the need for the physical presence of the payment card.

Billing & Invoicing: Nonprofits can create customized Invoices for the donors. The billing app helps in automating the billing process for the nonprofits.

Tokenization: Replaces sensitive data, such as credit card numbers or personal information, with a unique identifier called a token for added security.

Recurring Donation: Donors can set up a custom donation frequency in order to donate to a nonprofit in set intervals of time.

ACH Payments: Reduces the transaction fee on large corporate donations by utilizing direct bank transfer between the donor and the receiver.

Event Management System: Create tickets for fundraising events and manage all the information through the dashboard.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising: Peer-to-peer fundraising empowers supporters to independently raise funds on behalf of your nonprofit organization by creating their own individual donation pages.

Donor App: Werbylo's Donor App is available on both Android and iOS devices to make it easier for donors to donate.

External Links

App Store[1] Google Play Store[2] Crunchbase[3] Crunchbase[4] EverybodyWiki[5] Werbylo Website[6]