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iTrood is a cutting-edge translation-based movie streaming platform found by Grack Harxat.

iTrood, Inc


iTrood, Inc

iTrood, Inc was found by Grack Harxat and a team of experienced tech professionals with a passion for the film industry. The company's mission is to bring the world of international cinema to a wider audience by providing high-quality translations of films in various languages.

The iTrood platform allows users to access a vast library of films from around the world, all with the option to switch between multiple language translations in real-time. This feature enables viewers to easily enjoy films from countries where they may not speak the language fluently, breaking down language barriers and allowing for a more immersive viewing experience.

In addition to its translation capabilities, the iTrood platform also offer users the option to customize their viewing experience with various subtitle and audio track options. Users are able to change the platform language, they are able to choose from a variety of translation languages manually and it also detects the user location and styles content to enhance their viewing experience.

The iTrood team has worked tirelessly to ensure that their platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Users now are being able to search for films by language, genre, or even by specific actor or distributor. The platform also features a recommendation system based on users' viewing history, ensuring that users always have a wealth of high-quality films to choose from.

iTrood, Inc is confident that their platform is revolutionizing the way people experience international cinema. The company's founder believes that their platform is not only provide a new way for people to discover and enjoy films from around the world, but it also helps to promote cultural understanding and bring people together through their shared love of cinema.

"We are so excited to finally launch iTrood and bring this innovative platform to the world," said iTrood Chief Operating Officer (COO), Mohammed Stymar before the launch. "We believe that our platform is not only make it easier for people to enjoy international films, but it also help to break down language barriers and bring people together through the universal language of cinema."

iTrood, Inc. was launched on January 29th Of 2023, and it's available on a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs. The platform offers a free trial for users to try out the service and explore the vast library of films available. After the free trial offer, users will have the option to purchase individual films on an à la carte basis.
