Jacson Marçal Pereira de Jesus

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Jacson Marcal Pereira de Jesus
Born March 11, 1989
Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil
Nationality Brazilian
Education Human Resources and Marketing from UNIP university in 2008
Occupation Writer

Jacson Marçal Pereira de Jesus (born March 11, 1989) is a writer, autistic savant, activist with high skills, hyperfocused on Marketing, Technology, Mechanics and Medicine.

Early Life

Jacson Marçal Pereira de Jesus was born on March 11, 1989, in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil.


Jacson Marçal Pereira de Jesus Wrote his first book in 2020, Autistic Mind - Reset Mental: From Childhood to Diagnosis, he was also the first Autism spectrum|Autistic to speak alongside Temple Grandin at the first international congress on Autism spectrum|Autism. Jacson Marçal made the first article that shows the effect of the Central Nervous System in people with Autism and all associated conditions that can be presented in the course of their Life.[1] He worked in several Multinational corporation multinational companies, focusing on market research Jacson Marçal, managed to improve the most varied products and brands, scaling their positioning and price with quality.

When it comes to WEB Marketing, Jacson Marçal is known as JacsonFear, a specialist in market intelligence, social networks and automated BOT shooting, he has extensive experience in Blockchain, WEB 3.0 and NFT.


Jacson Marcal learned from an early age everything he could about technology, loved everything related to the subject, graduated early in Information Technology from Objective , then graduated in Human Resources and Marketing from UNIP university in 2008 , in 2019 he specialized in Neuroscience, to learn different approaches to Autism, Neuroplasticity and tools to help people with Disability.[2]

Other Personal Activities

His help was strongly observed in the Adapted World[3] , where Jacson Marçal can share all his experience and studies related to Autism spectrum|Autism. Participating preferred stock|Participating in several events involving Autism spectrum|,[4] Jacson Marçal created a direct channel of communication between Autistics and the whole society.[5] Jacson Marçal also became a Volunteering with Microsoft|MSF and UNICEF, creating a direct communication channel between entities and NGOs that seek to help children with some co-existing comorbidity or Conditional condition.
