Tnuza Jamal Hassan

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Tnuza Jamal Hassan
Born 1998 (age 25–26)
Nationality USA
Occupation student
Known for Lit a series of fires after failing to immigrate to "muslim lands"

Tnuza Jamal Hassan is a young former student at St. Catherines University, in St. Paul, Minnesota, who was convicted of providing material support for terrorism, after setting a series of fires on campus.

She had previously attracted scrutiny from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, for two earlier events. Two other students reported her to campus security, after she wrote them a letter encouraging them to join in jihadism. Campus security forwarded the letter to the FBI, who then interviewed her. After she dropped out she made an attempt to travel to Afghanistan. She travelled to Dubai, where she tried to book a ticket for the final leg of her trip - to Afghanistan. Dubai authorities blocked her travel, because she lacked the right travel documents. She was subsequently deported back to the United States, where she had another interview with FBI officials.

Tnuza was born in the USA, while her mother was from Somalia. She had been living with her mother and sister until early January.

is accused of setting a series of eight fires there, on the morning of January 17, 2018.[1][2][3][4][5]  The fires were set over the course of several hours.  No one was hurt, but one of the fires was set in a building that included a daycare center, and 33 children were evacuated.[6]

The Federal charges she faces include arson and attempting to support a terrorist organization.[7] She also faces arson charges in State court.

Prior to the arson incident

Hassan was born in the United States.[8]

She started attending St Catherine University, a small prestigious Roman Catholic University in her home town of Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the fall of 2016.[8]

In March 2017 Hassan gave a letter to three fellow students, encouraging them to engage in Jihad.[8] The letter alarmed the receipients, who took the letter to campus security. Campus security forwarded her letter to Federal Bureau of Investigation.

In September 2017 Hassan tried to travel to Afghanistan.[8] Hassan tried to get to Afghanistan by traveling to a nearby country, and only then trying to get to Afghanistan. But authorities in Dubai detained her, on September 19, and returned her to the United States, because she lacked a visa.

The FBI interviewed Hassan on September 22.

Hassan and her mother, tried to leave the United States again, in December, ostensibly to travel to Ethiopia.[9]

While a student, Hassan had drafted and delivered a letter that is said to have espoused disturbingly radical muslim beliefs.[6][10] The Police say she described how her letter frightened her roommates, who forwarded it to campus security.[11] In February the Federal Bureau of Investigation acknowledged that they had interviewed Hassan about the letter in September, 2017.[12][13]

The FBI stated that Hassan denied any knowledge of the letter, which called for recepients to join Al Qaeda, the Taliban or Al Shabaab.[12][13][14]

Hassan had left home approximately ten days prior to the incident, and her mother and older sister say they didn't know where she was. Commentators asked why the FBI hadn't been aware of this unusual behavior, and raised an alarm, at this point. Authorities speculate that Hassan had been finding places to sleep on the campus of her former University during the period between leaving home and the arson incident.

Arson incident

Investigators would eventually conclude that Hassan had run away from home, around January 10, 2018, and was clandestinely living on campus, even though she was no longer a student at the University. On January 18, 2018, over the course of several hours, multiple fires were started on campus. The fires caused no injuries.[15] The fires were lightly reported until local crime reporters reading the charging documents realized that prosecutors were making a connection to terrorism.

Ramsay County Prosecutor Margaret Galvin described the charges Hassan faced in local courts, the most serious of which was first degree Arson.[10][16] According to newspaper accounts of the charging documents she said that after viewing the destruction of schools in Iraq and Syria, that she attributed to American military bombardment, she thought she should destroy schools in America.[6][17][18] The charging documents describe Hassan telling interrogators that she had hoped to burn the campus to the ground, and that it was fortunate for the University that she did not know how to build bombs, that she would have used bombs, if she had known how to construct them.

Galvin told reporters that law enforcement officials were looking into whether Hassan had an "international connection".[19] By January 2018 Hassan faced Federal charges.[20][9]

Ted Vezner, of the St Paul's Pioneer Press, reported trying and failing to get Federal law enforcement officials to go on record as to whether Hassan would face Federal charges.[10] She remains in custody. Bail was set at $100,000.[21] Her next hearing is set for February 28, 2019.[22]

ReBecca Koenig Roloff, the University's President, thanked law enforcement officials, and assured other muslims that the University recognized this was an "isolated incident", that should not trigger caution against other muslims.[23]

On February 7, 2018, Federal Prosecutors laid three charges against Hassan: Material Support for Terrorism; Arson; and lying to Law Enforcement officials.[12][13] Following the indictment the University's administration issued a statement informing the campus community that they had been cooperating with law enforcement officials in their investigation of the letter, but, at their request, they had kept the existence of the letter a secret.[24] Hassan pled not guilty.[25]

A February filing by law enforcement authorities revealed that they were investigating whether Hassan had left her family home a week or more prior to the arson incident, and had been hiding on the campus.[26] The University announced that the reports had triggered it to arrange for an independent third party to conduct an audit of the University's safety procedures.[27][28]

On February 17, 2018, CBS News quoted Jeffrey Ringel, a counter-terrorism expert formerly with the FBI, and currently with the Soufan Group.[8] He noted that, when Hassan had attempted to travel to Afghanistan, in September 2017, the FBI had stopped her, interrupted her journey, interviewed her. He noted she willingly confessed to planning to marry a warrior, and said she would become a suicide bomber. He stated, that, in his opinion, this confession should have been sufficient to lay charges against her then. He said he couldn't explain why she had been set free. The Ledger quoted Ron Hosko, another former FBI agent, who reminded the public that the extent of the FBI monitoring had not been made public.[29] The Ledger quoted Stephen Vladeck, a law professor specializing in Constitutional law and counter-terrorism issues, who pointed out law enforcement officials can't monitor every threat: “This is a circle that can’t be squared. We are never going to keep tabs on every single person who might one day pose a threat.”

On April 5, 2018, KSTP reported that after Hassan's lawyer had requested she be given house arrest.[30][31] On April 12, Federal prosecutors cited an FBI analysis of documents found on her cell phone, that stated it contained "Files of Concern".[32] On April 17 her house arrest request was turned down by Judge Steven Rau.[33][34][35]

On May 7, 2018, Audrey Alexander, a fellow at George Washington University's Program on Extremism offered Hassan's case as an example of the missing resources counter-terrorism officials needed.[36] She pointed out that Hassan had indicated a potential risk, but couldn't be stopped, because she hadn't yet committed any crimes.

On May 8, 2018, Judge Rau declined to disclude evidence seized from Hassan's home, disagreeing with her lawyer that the search warrants were too broad.[37] Documents made public during her lawyer's appeal revealed that Hassan had been corresponding with Imran N. Hosein.[38]


Hassan's attorney's had called for a competency hearing, to determine whether she was fit to stand trial.[39] On November 2, 2018, forensic psychologist Cynthia Low testified that, following five hours of examination of Hassan, testified she found her "open and honest", and concluded she had an average ability to understand the charges against her, and participate in her defense.[40][41]

Steven Rau, a Magistrate Judge, deferred ruling on the advice offered during the hearing.[39][40][41]

In her testimony Low referred to symptoms Hassan manifested, between April and June 2018.[39] Hassan's attorney Robert Sicoli declined to elaborate over those symptoms.

Hassan was sent to a secure holding facility, in Texas, for individuals suspected of mental health disorders.[42][43] There she came under the care of Amor Correa, a forensic psychologist with the US Bureau of Prisons.

On January 25, 2019, Tnuza's Federal trial was scheduled for February 4, 2019, before Judge Patrick J. Schiltz.[7] On January 25, 2019, Rau postponed Hassan's trial, again, because her mental health treatment precluded playing a role in her defence.[44] Tnuza's lawyer said she recognized that through her request for a continuance she had waived her right to a speedy trial.

On June 17, 2019, a competency hearing was held, for the court to receive what KSTP-TV described as a "second competency report".[45] The report was not made public because it contained medical information.[46]

Six months later, on December 17, during yet another hearing, Correa testified that while Hassan had not been competent to stand trial, in June, she was competent to stand trial, in December.[42][43] She had concluded that Hassan had a mood disorder, and had episodic hallucinations and delusions. Correa had concluded that Hassan did not have schizophrenia.

Societal impact

The fact-checking site created a page debunking a meme about Hassan.[47] The meme, widely circulated on social media, said Hassan had "set fire to a Christian school in protest of U.S. President Donald Trump." According to the viral meme, she started the fire in March, 2019, not January, 2018.

In his PhD thesis David J. Sierotowicz used Hassan's letter to her room-mates as an example of "leakage", a behavior that, if detected, should be regarded as a warning by authorities that a radicalized individual was starting to pose a risk.[48]

"Leakage was evident in the case of Tnuza Hassan at Saint Catherine University. Hassan had attempted to recruit her roommates to join ISIS with her, and had written them a letter detailing radical Muslim ideas and bringing back the caliphate. The roommates expeditiously turned the writing over to campus security after reading its contents. She was later found to have attempted to set fire to several areas of the campus."[48]
















  1. Mara H. Gottfried (2018-01-17). "Former St. Kate’s student arrested after small fires set on campus". Twin Cities Pioneer Press. Retrieved 2018-01-22. "Campus public safety officers worked with the police and fire departments to review security footage and identified a suspect entering various buildings. At about 1:30 p.m., the suspect was found in a lounge in Crandall Hall, a dorm. The woman, identified in a police report as Tnuza Jamal Hassan, was removed from campus at 2:35 p.m. and police arrested her on suspicion of first-degree arson." 
  2. Chao Xiong (2018-01-18). "Former student set fires on St. Catherine campus in retaliation against U.S. military intervention". Star Tribune. Retrieved 2018-01-22. "No one was hurt in the incident that began about 11:40 a.m. with the first reported fire, and ended about 2 p.m. with Hassan’s arrest on campus. Ramsey County jail records show that she was arrested at the school’s Jeanne d’Arc Auditorium at 2004 Randolph Av." 
  3. Steve Karnowski (2018-01-19). "Prosecutors: Woman mad at US actions abroad set campus fires". ABC News (Minneapolis). Retrieved 2018-01-22. "A criminal complaint said Tnuza Jamal Hassan, 19, a former student at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, admitted to investigators that she started the fires on Wednesday, including one in a dormitory that housed a day care center. She's charged with first-degree arson." 
  4. John Gilmore (2018-01-21). "St. Kate’s: Is It Still Terrorism When Local Media Refuse To Use The Word?". Alpha News Minnesota. Retrieved 2018-01-22. "Hassan appears to be a serious terrorist. She allegedly told police that “You guys are lucky that I don’t know how to build a bomb because I would have done that.”" 
  5. Lukas Mikelionis (2018-01-23). "Woman mad at US actions abroad set campus fires, prosecutors say". Fox News. Retrieved 2018-01-22. "Hassan allegedly harbored radical ideas and wrote a letter to her roommates containing “radical ideas about supporting Muslims and bringing back the caliphate."" 
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 "Child Porn to Pyromania: New Terror Cases in the US". Clarion Project. 2018-01-21. Archived from the original on 2020-09-09. Retrieved 2018-01-22. "No one was hurt in the fires, however one of the fires was set in a building that housed a daycare center. Thirty-three children, eight adults and 10-15 students were evacuated from that building." 
  7. 7.0 7.1 "Federal trial of St. Catherine arson suspect scheduled to begin on Feb. 4". KSTP-TV. 2019-01-07. Retrieved 2019-02-04. "Tnuza Jamal Hassan faces three federal counts, including one count of attempting to support a terrorist organization and one count of arson. She's also charged with arson in state court." 
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Jeffrey Ringel (2018-02-17). "St. Catherine Arson Spree Shows Difficulty In Predicting Terror Attacks". CBS News (Minneapolis). Retrieved 2018-04-04. "'She confessed to wanting to join al-Qaida and took action to do it by traveling overseas. Unless there are other circumstances that I’m not aware of, I would have expected that she would’ve been arrested,' said Jeffrey Ringel, a former FBI agent and Joint Terrorism Task Force supervisor who now works for a private security firm, the Soufan Group, and isn’t involved in Hassan’s case. 'I think she would’ve met the elements of a crime.'" 
  9. 9.0 9.1 Michael Oakes, Beth McDonough (2018-02-12). "Woman Accused in St. Kate's Arson Tried to Leave US to Join Terrorist Groups, Court Filing Says". KSTP. Retrieved 2018-05-01. "In the document filed ahead of an arraignment and detention hearing for 19-year-old Tnuza Jamal Hassan, the United States Attorney's Office in Minneapolis argues Hassan "presents an extraordinary danger to the community and a significant risk of flight and therefore should remain in custody pending trial."" 
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Ted Vezner (2018-01-19). "‘You guys are lucky I don’t know how to build a bomb,’ Minn. arson suspect allegedly said". Grand Forks Herald. Archived from the original on 2018-01-24. Retrieved 2018-01-22. "A spokesman for the Federal Bureau of Investigations’ Minneapolis office said he could not comment on whether federal authorities also were investigating the incident. A call to the United States District of Attorney’s Minnesota Office to inquire about whether Hassan might face federal charges was not returned." 
  11. Amy Rock (2018-01-22). "Former St. Kate’s Student Sets Campus Fires in Protest of U.S. Military: The former St. Kate’s student said she had been reading about the U.S. military destroying schools in the Middle East and wanted to do the same here". Campus Safety Magazine. Retrieved 2018-01-22. "Hassan wrote a letter to her roommates containing “radical ideas about supporting Muslims and bringing back the caliphate.” The roommates handed the letter over to campus security." 
  12. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Kstp2018-02-07
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Mukhtar M. Ibrahim (2018-02-07). "19-year-old charged with arson, attempting to provide support to al-Qaida". Minnesota Public Radio. Retrieved 2018-02-13. "In September last year, FBI agents had interviewed Hassan about whether she authored and delivered a letter to two fellow students at St. Catherine in March 2017. Prosecutors allege the letter sought to encourage fellow students to "join the jihad in fighting" and to "[j]oin Al Qaeda, Taliban, or Al Shabaab."" 
  14. Brett Bachman (2018-02-07). "St. Catherine's arson suspect charged with supporting al-Qaeda". Fox News (St. Paul, Minnesota). Retrieved 2018-05-01. "The terrorism-related charges stem from a Sept. 19 letter Tnuza Jamal Hassan allegedly wrote and sent to fellow students at St. Catherine's asking them to "join the jihad in fighting," and to "[j]oin al-Qaeda, Taliban, or Al Shabaab," according to a release. In an interview with several FBI agents a few days later, officials say she denied ever writing or distributing the letter." 
  15. "St. Catherine's says Arsonist Responsible for Multiple Fires on Campus; Former Student In Custody". KSTP. 2018-01-18. Retrieved 2018-05-01. "St. Catherine's public safety department and a deputy St. Paul fire chief both said no injuries were reported." 
  16. Rebecca Omostiak (2018-01-20). "Suspect Identified Following Multiple Fires on St. Catherine Campus". KSTP. Retrieved 2018-05-01. "The school said it is believed she is a former student, but is not currently registered for classes." 
  17. Tad Vezner, Sarah Horner (2018-01-19). "‘You guys are lucky I don’t know how to build a bomb,’ St. Kate’s arson suspect allegedly said". Twin Cities Pioneer Press. Retrieved 2018-01-22. "A former St. Catherine University student charged with setting fires on the college’s St. Paul campus told police she did it because she’d “been reading about the U.S. military destroying schools in Iraq or Afghanistan and she felt that she should do exactly the same thing,” according to a criminal complaint filed Friday." 
  18. "‘Muslim land’ retaliation fires set at Catholic university: ‘I don’t know how to build a bomb’". Washington Times. 2018-01-22. Retrieved 2018-01-22. "The complaint against Ms. Hassan states that she was motivated after reading stories of attacks on “Muslim land.”" 
  19. Nikita Vladimirov (2018-01-22). "Former student turns arsonist over US policy in ‘Muslim land’". Campus Reform. Retrieved 2018-01-22. "According to The Star Tribune, 19 year-old Tnuza Hassan allegedly set eight fires in seven buildings on campus last week, later telling authorities that her intention was to “burn [the school] to the ground” and to “hurt people.”" 
  20. Jay Kolls (2018-01-28). "Sources: FBI Investigating Woman Charged with Arson at St. Catherine". KSTP. Retrieved 2018-05-01. "Sources said the FBI became involved after several statements attributed to arson suspect Tnuza Hassan were included in a criminal complaint filed in district court by the Ramsey County Attorney's Office." 
  21. Steve Karnowski (2018-01-22). "Prosecutors: Woman mad at US actions abroad set campus fires". Post Bulletin (Minneapolis). Retrieved 2018-01-22. "Hassan was held Friday night in the Ramsey County Jail on $100,000 bail." 
  22. Ted Vezner, Sarah Horner (2018-01-19). "Former St. Paul college student charged with setting fires on campus". Duluth News Tribune. Retrieved 2018-01-22. "Hassan has no prior criminal record in Minnesota.She remained in custody Friday at the Ramsey County Jail, with bail set at $100,000. Her next court hearing is Feb. 28. She has not yet entered a plea." 
  23. ReBecca Koenig Roloff (2018-01-19). "Statement from the president". St Katherine University. Retrieved 2018-01-22. "We believe this was an isolated incident and are cooperating with law enforcement officials. Our top concern is our students and the campus community. We are proud to be an open and welcoming University that embraces diversity. As such, we strongly believe that one person does not represent an entire group, and we deeply value all Muslim members of our community." 
  24. "Arson Incident Update". St Katherine University. 2008-02-07. Retrieved 2018-02-13. 
  25. Farrah Fazal. "Terror Suspect Hassan Pleads Not Guilty, Remanded to Jail". KSTP. Retrieved 2018-05-01. "Prosecutors said Hassan became self-radicalized watching videos of American extremist al-Qaida preacher Anwar Al-Awlaki. His YouTube recruiting videos radicalized dozens of young men from the Twin Cities. YouTube took those videos down but not before prosecutors said the videos radicalized Hassan." 
  26. Tim Nelson (2018-02-14). "St. Kate's reviews security after ex-student's terror arrest". Minnesota Public Radio (St. Paul, Minnesota). Retrieved 2018-04-04. "The school said on its website that federal court filings include claims to the court that Tnuza Jamal Hassan, 19, may have "hid out on the campus" before she resurfaced about a month ago." 
  27. "Campus Safety Update re: Arson Incident". St Catherine University. 2018-02-13. Retrieved 2018-02-13. "These reports provided details from a memo in the filing about Hassan's travels and activities, including that she allegedly may have “hid out on the campus of St. Catherine University before she resurfaced” on January 17." 
  28. "St. Kate's to Seek External Assessment of Safety Procedures after Arson Case". KSTP. 2018-02-13. Retrieved 2018-04-04. "Reports that the woman accused of starting fires in several buildings last month at St. Catherine University may have hidden out on campus prior to the incident has caused the school to seek an external assessment of its safety procedures." 
  29. Amy Forlili (2018-02-17). "Minn. terror case shows challenge of predicting attacks". The Ledger (Minneapolis). Retrieved 2018-05-02. "Four months later, the 19-year-old was arrested for allegedly setting small fires on her former college campus in St. Paul in what prosecutors say was a self-proclaimed act of jihad. No one was hurt by the Jan. 17 fires at St. Catherine University, but her case raises questions about why she wasn’t arrested after speaking to the agents months earlier and shows the difficulty the authorities face in identifying real threats." 
  30. Frank Rajkowski (2018-04-05). "Lawyers for St. Kate's Terror Suspect Ask for Her Release from Jail". KSTP. Retrieved 2018-05-01. "Court documents show one of the motions filed Thursday asks that the order of detention be reconsidered, and for Hassan to be released into the custody of her mother and sister on the condition she remain on house arrest for the remainder of the case, and her whereabouts be monitored by GPS monitoring." 
  31. Mukhtar M. Ibrahim (2018-04-05). [ "Lawyers for ex-St. Kate student charged with trying to join terror group seek home supervision Issues"]. Minnesota Public Radio. Retrieved 2018-05-01. "The release plan submitted Thursday by Hassan's attorneys, Robert Sicoli and Joshua Johnson, said they are requesting that the court reconsider a previous detention order based on new information." 
  32. Ben Rodgers (2018-04-12). "Court Document: 'Files of Concern' Found on Phone of St. Kate's Terror Suspect". KSTP. Retrieved 2018-05-01. "According to the court records, after the Federal Bureau of Investigation gained access to Hassan's phone, they allegedly located terrorist propaganda that "encourages individuals to conduct unlawful acts of violence." Investigators also say they located blueprints and schematics of two building on St. Kate's campus." 
  33. Matt Sepic (2018-04-17). [ "Judge denies release pending trial of former St. Kate's student held on terrorism charges Issues"]. Minnesota Public Radio News (St. Paul, MN). Retrieved 2018-12-25. "Hassan has been jailed since her arrest, and her attorneys asked Judge Steven Rau to release her under GPS monitoring while the case moves forward." 
  34. S.M. Chavey (2018-04-18). "Federal judge refuses to release St. Kate’s arson suspect to family". Twin Cities Pioneer Press. Retrieved 2018-12-25. "Hassan, who authorities say had hoped to kill people when she set fires in January 2018 on a college campus, has been ordered detained by a federal judge." 
  35. "Judge Orders Former St. Kate’s Student To Remain Jailed In Terror Trial". CBS News (St Paul, MN). 2018-04-17. Retrieved 2018-12-25. "Hassan was arrested in January after allegedly setting fires on the St. Paul campus of St. Catherine University, where she is a former student. No one was hurt, but one fire was set in a dormitory with a day care where 33 children were present. Her trial is scheduled for July." 
  36. Stephen Montemayor (2018-05-07). [ "St. Kate's terror case highlights lack of framework for early intervention What could have been done in the months before Tnuza Hassan's arrest?"]. Star Tribune. Retrieved 2018-12-25. "'Just because there wasn't a loss [of life] doesn't mean this isn't a huge loss,' said Audrey Alexander, a fellow at George Washington University's Program on Extremism, who said non-law enforcement interventions for terror cases are still largely missing nationwide. 'This is again a punctuation of the fact that we in the U.S. are really missing that critical component that's meant to operate in that gray space.'" 
  37. Stephen Montemayor (2018-05-08). "Evidence in FBI probe of former St. Kate's student includes package allegedly sent from Islamic scholar in Malaysia: Seized package allegedly came from Islamic scholar". Star Tribune. Archived from the original on 2019-02-05. "According to court papers, the package had a return address bearing the name of Imran N. Hosein, a sheikh allegedly described by Hassan to law enforcement as being among the 'sources of information for the development of her religious beliefs.'" 
  38. Frank Rajkowski (2018-05-08). "Judge Denies Motion to Suppress Evidence from Search Warrants in Hassan Case". KSTP. Retrieved 2019-02-04. "Her lawyers had asked the court to review nine search warrants to determine whether they lacked probable cause and whether they were overly broad in scope. The court ruled eight of the search warrants contained probable cause and were sufficiently particular, including warrants for various digital devices, her Google accounts and a package that was addressed to Hassan at the home she shared with her mother." 
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 Chao Xiong (2018-11-02). "Former St. Catherine University student capable of understanding terrorism charges, doctor testifies". Star Tribune. Archived from the original on 2019-02-04. Retrieved 2018-11-03. "Hassan’s attorneys filed a motion to have her competency evaluated after the former St. Catherine University student allegedly set several fires on the school’s campus in mid-January and was arrested and charged in both state and federal court. Friday’s hearing was held in the federal case." 
  40. 40.0 40.1 Laura Yuen (2018-11-02). "Judge weighs competency of ex-St. Kate's student facing terror charges". Minnesota Public Radio. Archived from the original on 2020-06-13. Retrieved 2018-11-03. "The psychologist said that during the five hours she spent with Hassan in August and September, the former St. Kate's student appeared to be open and honest in her answers. She also testified that Hassan was experiencing "symptoms" from April to June, but did not specify what those symptoms were." 
  41. 41.0 41.1 "Competency Hearing Held for Woman Charged With Arson, Terrorism". KSTP-TV. 2018-11-02. Retrieved 2018-11-03. "Hassan faces three federal counts, including one count of attempting to support a terrorist organization and one count of arson. She's also charged with arson in state court." 
  42. 42.0 42.1 Andy Mannix (2019-12-20). "Psychologist: Suspect in St. Kate's terror case now competent to face charges". Star Tribune. Retrieved 2019-12-22. "Correa told the court she updated Hassan’s diagnosis from schizophrenia to a “mood disorder with a psychotic component” after Hassan’s symptoms disappeared under her medical observation despite Hassan declining medication. Correa said she believes Hassan is now mentally competent." 
  43. 43.0 43.1 Sarah Horner (2019-12-17). "Psychologist: St. Catherine University arson suspect is now competent to stand trial". Twin Cities Pioneer Press. Archived from the original on 2020-04-08. Retrieved 2019-12-22. "The finding, which was detailed in a report filed in court, comes about six months after Hassan was found not competent to proceed with her case by the same psychologist." 
  44. Sarah Horner (2019-01-25). "Health issues delay trial for former student accused of setting fires at St. Catherine University". Twin Cities Pioneer Press. Retrieved 2019-03-16. "'[Hassan] is currently receiving medical and psychiatric care that makes her unavailable to assist defense counsel in preparing for trial,' said the motion filed by Hassan’s defense." 
  45. "Competency hearing held for former St. Kate's student accused of setting fires". KSTP-TV. 2019-06-17. Retrieved 2019-02-04. "In court Monday, lawyers for the government and for Hassan acknowledged a second report on Hassan's competency was complete. However, because it involves medical information, that report is sealed. Hassan herself was not physically present for the hearing, but did appear via video from the federal facility she's being held at in Fort Worth, Texas." 
  46. Sarah Horner (2019-06-17). "Competency questions delay trial for Minneapolis woman accused of setting St. Catherine University fires". Twin Cities Pioneer Press. Archived from the original on 2020-08-06. Retrieved 2019-12-22. 
  47. Dan Evon (2019-03-15). "Did a Muslim Student Set Fire to a Christian School to ‘Protest’ Trump?". Retrieved 2019-02-04. "What's false: These fires were not set in "protest" of President Donald Trump, the incident occurred in January 2018 (not March 2019), and the photograph accompanying this story of a burning building was not related to the incident." 
  48. 48.0 48.1 David J. Sierotowicz (2019-07-17). "Designing a Curriculum in Active Shooter Behavioral Indicators for Students in Institutions of Higher Education in the State of New Jersey". Seton Hall University: pp. 43, 74. Archived from the original on 2019-12-06. Retrieved 2019-12-06. "Another incident exemplifying the identification warning behavior in the role of an individual fighting for a cause is that of Tnuza Hassan at Saint Catherine University. Tnuza felt that she was a soldier for her community, exacting revenge on the United States for perceived wartime atrocities. Her actions were a direct response to these perceived injustices, and aimed to kill others for her beliefs (“College Campuses Vulnerable”, 2018)." 
  49. Mukhtar M. Ibrahim (2018-02-12). "al-Qaida wannabe or troubled teen? Judge mulls ex-St. Kate student's fate". Minnesota Public Radio News (Minneapolis). Archived from the original on 2019-07-02. Retrieved 2020-10-26. "'Why would you live under a manmade law over the law of Allah,' Hassan wrote in the recruitment letter, which prosecutors say she admitted to writing after initially lying to the FBI agents about who wrote the letter or who delivered it to the students." 
  50. Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens; Seamus Hughes; Bennett Clifford (2020). "Homegrown: ISIS in America". Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9780755602117. Archived from the original on 2020-09-03. Retrieved 2020-10-26. 
  51. "Former Minnesota College Student Pleads Guilty In Terror Case". WCCO (Minneapolis). 2020-08-26. Archived from the original on 2020-08-27. Retrieved 2020-10-26. "Tnuza Jamal Hassan, 22, of Minneapolis, pleaded guilty in U.S District Court to attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization. Charges of lying to the FBI and arson will be dismissed when Hassan is sentenced in December." 
  52. Joshua Rhett Miller (2020-08-28). "Former college student admits she tried to join al Qaeda: feds". The New York Post. Archived from the original on 2020-08-30. Retrieved 2020-10-26. "Hassan, who was ultimately stopped in Dubai because she didn’t have a visa to enter Afghanistan, said Wednesday she had no plans to return to the United States and wanted to join al Qaeda. She didn’t plan to fight for the terrorist group, but said she wanted to support it “by other means,” the Star Tribune reports." 
  53. "Minneapolis Woman Who Tried to Recruit Fellow Students to al-Qaeda Pleads Guilty". Homeland Security Today. 2020-08-28. Archived from the original on 2020-09-03. Retrieved 2020-10-26. "According to the defendant’s guilty plea and documents filed in court, on Sept. 18, 2017, Hassan purchased a round-trip airline ticket from Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport (MSP) to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and purchased a second round-trip ticket from Dubai to Kabul, Afghanistan. Hassan later admitted that she planned to travel from Dubai to Kabul where she hoped to join AQ and that she had no intentions of returning to the United States. On Sept. 19, 2017, Hassan boarded a flight and traveled from MSP to Dubai, but was prevented from traveling to Kabul because she failed to secure a travel visa allowing her to enter the country." 
  54. "In the news". Arkansas online. 2020-08-27. Archived from the original on 2020-09-09. Retrieved 2020-10-26. "Tnuza Jamal Hassan, 22, of Minneapolis pleaded guilty to attempting to provide support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, with prosecutors saying she told FBI agents that she wanted to join al-Qaida, marry a fighter and possibly wear a suicide belt." 
  55. "Ex-Saint Cate's Student Pleads Guilty To Attempting To Support al-Qaida". Voice of Alexandria (Minneapolis). 2020-08-27. Archived from the original on 2020-09-09. Retrieved 2020-10-26. 
  56. Stephen Montemayor (2020-08-27). "Woman admits trying to join al-Qaida, setting fires at St. Catherine University in St. Paul". Star Tribune (Minneapolis). Archived from the original on 2020-10-22. Retrieved 2020-10-26. "Hassan lied to investigators from Customs and Border Protection and the FBI about writing the recruitment letter, but she did tell agents that joining al-Qaida was the purpose of her attempted trip to Afghanistan. As part of her plea agreement, Hassan acknowledged Wednesday that while she did not plan to be a fighter for the terrorist group, she wanted to lend her support “by other means.”" 
  57. "Ex-Minnesota college student pleads guilty in terror case". Marshall Independent (Minneapolis). 2020-08-27. Archived on 2020-09-09. Error: If you specify |archiveurl=, you must first specify |url=. Retrieved 2020-10-26. "A former Minnesota college student pleaded guilty Wednesday to a federal charge that she tried to help al-Qaida." 
  58. Robert Spencer (2020-08-30). "‘Diversity’ and ‘Inclusion’ Come Back to Bite a Minnesota University". PJ Media. Archived from the original on 2020-09-05. Retrieved 2020-10-26. "Hassan herself gave numerous indications that she was a hardened, convinced jihad terrorist. She said that she had set the fires in revenge for supposed American atrocities on “Muslim land.” She wrote a letter to her roommates that police said contained “radical ideas about supporting Muslims and bringing back the caliphate.” She told investigators that “she wanted the school to burn to the ground and her intent was to hurt people.”" 
  59. "Mahasiswi Rekrut 2 Rekan dan Bakar Kampus, Mengaku Mendukung Al Qaeda" (in Indonesian). Manado Tribune News. 2020-08-29. Archived from the original. Error: If you specify |archiveurl=, you must also specify |archivedate=. Retrieved 2020-10-26. "Dr Shiraz Maher, Direktur Pusat Studi Radikalisasi Internasional di King's College London, yakin Al Qaeda masih aktif mencoba menunjukkan bahwa kelompok itu masih relevan di panggung dunia." 
  60. Pat Sweeney (2020-08-26). "Ex-MN student pleads guilty in Terror Case". Knox Radio. Archived from the original on 2020-09-09. Retrieved 2020-10-26. "When Hassan was stopped from flying to Afghanistan in September 2017, prosecutors said she told FBI agents that she wanted to join al-Qaida and marry a fighter." 
  61. "Curfew imposed, National Guard called in to curb looting, unrest in downtown Minneapolis". Minnesota Post. 2020-08-26. Archived from the original on 2020-09-03. Retrieved 2020-10-26. "Charges of lying to the FBI and arson will be dismissed when Hassan is sentenced in December." 
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Category:Muslim terrorism suspects Category:Arsonists