Marionette (comics)

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Marvel Comics character
Marionette art
First appearance

Micronauts volume 1 number 1, January 1979 by Marvel Comics
Created by

Marvel Comics
Aliases Princess Mari, Mary
Species Homeworlder
Occupation Princess, revolutionary, adventurer
Title Princess
Relatives Argon (brother)

  • Energy blasts
  • Flight


Marionette is a fictional character from the Micronauts comic book series by Marvel Comics.


Marionette, also called Princess Mari, is a character from the Marvel Comics Micronauts series. She is not based on any Micronauts toy, although she sometimes wears the same jet pack as Space Glider. She commonly carries gun or sword weapons. She often uses a flight pack like Space Glider. On the Endeavor has taken a position at the to Thorium Gun during battle.

Princess Mari is often seen as inspired by Princess Leia from Star Wars.[1]


1979 Marvel Comics

Princess Mari of Homeworld, also called Marionette, is an original character created by Marvel Comics for their Micronauts series. She is the sister of Force Commander, the lover of Space Glider, and her servant roboid is Microtron.

After the second Marvel Micronauts series ended Commander Rann, Marionette, Fireflyte, Acroyear and Bug appeared in M'ndens Bar in New Mutants number 50.

When Marvel lost the license to Micronauts they retained the rights to Marionette, and she has continued to appear in the Marvel Universe.

Marionette (now called Mary) returned in 1998 in the pages of Alpha Flight volume 2 number 10 and 11 when Alpha Flight traveled to the Microverse and ended up on Homeworld. An unnamed group of freedom fighters lead by Arcturus Rann fought against Baron Zybek. The group included Bug, Mary and Dexam and used the Endeavor as the based of operations. The freedom fighters and Alpha Flight defeated Baron Zybek.


Freedom Force

There is a fan-made mesh and skin for Marionette in the 2002 Freedom Force video game.[2]



External links

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