Gundam Dryon IIIZ/Haruko Akabane

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MSR-X-III Gundam Dryon IIIZ
Gundam Dryon IIIZ: The Fighting Robot character
Dryon III 01.jpeg
Flying through space, destroying everything in your path.
Created by

Daizo Adachi
Nickname(s) Dryon, That fucking abomination(by Haruko)
Species Giant Battle Robot/Gundam


Machiko and her friends
Tech specs

Type: Modified Heavy Attack Combat Mobile Suit/Super Robot
The MSR-X-III Gundam Dryon IIIZ is a mobile suit from one of my upcoming Wattpad fanfics, Gundam Dryon IIIZ: The Fighting Robot. It is a working replica of the 煌黒機動 Gundam Dryon III from Gundam Build Fighters Try created by Daizo Adachi, the father of Machiko, using Tryon 3Z's blueprints. It first made its debut in Chapter 3, "Enter Dryon IIIZ!" and would not appear until the finale.


Dryon IIIZ looks nearly identical to Tryon 3, except that it's mostly black and yellow. Another difference is that its v-fin is much larger.