List of Mythic Legions

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The following is a list of biographies for the fictional character in the Mythic Legions series.


  • Jorund Runeshaper
  • B'alam
  • Azza
  • Spiritbender
  • Herra Serpenspire

Circle of Poxxus

  • Zazhar
Once an all powerful demon king of the Netherrealm, the mighty Azahazzar was split in two when Poxxus summoned him into the world of Mythoss. Zazhar and his brother Azhar are the malicious result of that split. Cursed with the power to destroy life with a mere touch, he is a chilling reminder of life's true frailty. Still bitter that he is only half of the demon he once was, Zazhar aggressively fights for the return of Poxxus in hopes that he may one day be restored to his former self.
  • Azhar
Raised from the Netherrealm ages ago by the dark sorcerer Poxxus, Azhar and his brother Zazhar are the central powers behind The Circle of Poxxus. Imbued with the gift of creation, Azhar has the power to create life where none exists. Azhar and his brother, have spent many years searching the world for the legendary talisman said to be the key to freeing Poxxus and the ancient evils from their eternal imprisonment. Only once that goal has been met can he rest in the knowledge that he will be rejoined with his master.
  • Torionn
  • Shadow Elf Warrior
  • Malachi Cinderhorn

Congregation of Necronominus

  • Malleus
As one of the three remaining children of Necronominus himself, Malleus is true underworld royalty. Serving as the ear of Necronominus until his master’s return, he serves as judge, jury, and executioner to any who pose a threat to his father’s teachings. A deeply devout follower of his father’s word and scripture, Malleus quickly dispatches those who diverge from the path that has been chosen for his congregation.
  • Tibius
  • Clavian
  • Skeleton legion builder
  • Scaphoid
  • Illgar
One of the most notorious and brutal warriors in the northern kingdom of Vikenfell, Ilgarr could not be stopped, not even by death. A deal was struck with Necronominius' son Malleus, and Ilgarr was reborn. As a shambling skeletal semblance of his former self more bloodthirsty than ever, Ilgarr is one of the Congregation's most savage fighters.
  • Hagnon
  • Scaphoid
When truly gifted magic users are killed and reborn by Necronominus' hand, their power seeps into their bones, staining them with spiritual remnants of their past life. Brimming with foul magic, these cursed skeletons have little control over their power, making them unpredictable time bombs of magical energy. Often thrown into a fight just to lay waste to all who surround them, some learn to master their unstable talents. The most accomplished of these mystical masters is Scaphoid. Chosen to represent Necrominus at the Covenant of Shadow, Scaphoid has been tasked with unleashing his dark power on all present if the proceedings go awry.

Eathron's Dozen

  • Eathron
Aeons ago in ancient Mythoss, four brave warriors arose to combat the evils that were overrunning the land: the mighty Leodysseus, Bassylia, Xylona, and the crowned eagle Eathyron were righteous and unyielding forces of nature. Armed with the Heavensbrand, a sword bestowed with the power to purify the evil in enemies' souls, Eathyron rained down like a mighty storm of unrelenting power from the skies. Although the heroes were victorious, they faded from sight soon after their triumph. In their absence, the four great armies of modern Mythoss formed to honor their memory and to carry their noble cause forward to this very day.

Illythea's Brood

  • Vorgus Vermillius
One of the first to receive Illithya’s gift of eternal life as a vampire, the brutal knight Lord Edsekk became one of the first generals in Illythya’s Brood. As centuries passed and the tedium of immortality set in, Lord Edsekk was no longer satisfied with the vast powers bequeathed to him as a vampire. Edsekk's ambition drove him to seek out the dark sorcerers Azhar and Zazhar and strike a deal to obtain more power. He bartered the lives of one hundred of his men to the agents of Poxxus for an enchanted suit of armor that possessed immense power and near invulnerability. What Edsekk did not know was that he had been tricked into wearing a suit of armor infused with a parasitic spell that slowly consumed his lifeforce, causing him to vanish from inside the armor. The Blood Armor, known to the people as Vorgus Vermillius, now roams from victim to victim, leaving behind only the memory of the warriors it devours.
  • Carpathias
  • Baron Volligar
  • Lucretia
  • Vampire Knight
  • Vampire legion builder

Legion of Arethyr

  • Gorgo Aetherblade
  • Urzokk
  • Urkku
  • Bothar Shadowhorn
  • Orc Legion builder 1
  • Unkann
Every army needs an arsenal of weapons to carry them to victory in battle and the Legion of Arethyr is no exception. A secret weapon in his own right, Unkann is the legion's master weapon-smith. A veteran of some of the legion's bloodiest battles, his expertise has been forged in combat. Determined to supply his brethren with the tools necessary to achieve supremacy, Unkann's ongoing quest involves supplying the Legion of Arethyr with the deadliest weapons once can imagine.
  • Gorthokk - shadow orc
  • Boarrior
  • Orc Legion Builder 2
  • Queen Urkzaa
  • Jjuno the Crusher
  • Bog Goblin
Vicious and surly, the Bog Goblin is one of the most vile creatures in Mythoss. Small in size and amphibious in nature, they are well suited to hiding away in their swampland homes. Of all the Greater Goblin subspecies, this filthy breed is the most willing to serve in the armies of the dark forces. Armed with the ability to vomit a hot and sticky black bile at their enemies, Bog Goblins are feared by even the bravest warrior.
  • Boarrior
Resilient, dirty, and tirelessly aggressive, the Boarrior are miniature battering rams for The Legion of Arethyr. Because of their predilection for muck and filth they are often sent out to tackle the most unpleasant missions the Legion has to offer. Perfectly willing to cast their cumbersome weapons aside in favor of their thick skulls and brutally massive tusks, the Boarrior are always armed, deadly, and ready to destroy anything in their way.


  • Attila Leossyr
  • Vitus
One of the last surviving members of the Mercurian army, Vitus is only a shell of the man he once was. Devastated by the destruction of his people and their once glorious city of wisdom and enlightenment, he has set his sights outward on a new mission to protect the entire realm so it does not meet the same fate. In an effort to bring the spark of life back into Vitus, Attila Leossyr asked him to train the Army of Leodysseus in the methods of Mercurian warfare. With this new purpose comes the tiniest glimmer of hope that this great warrior will regain the peace he once knew.
  • Otho
  • Iron Knight legion builder

Nobel Bear

  • Attlus the Conqueror
  • Thord Ironjaw
  • Barbarian Builder
  • Cador
  • Calavius
Once the most decorated Mercurian gladiator in history, Calavius was promised his freedom from competition after his one hundredth straight victory. That victory came and went, but the promise was not honored. With hope lost, a fury was born in Calavius that led him to revolt. The revolt dawned, as fate would have it, when Calavius met Attlus, a recently captured gladiator. Together they led the rebellion that destroyed Mercurios’ gladiatorial games and the ancient colosseum that housed them. When the allies met again years later, it was no surprise that Calavius quickly joined his old friend Attlus the Conquerer in a fight with greater stakes than either of them could have imagined.
  • Freyja of Deadhall
  • Barbarian Warrior builder 2

Order of Eathyron

  • Sir Gideon Heavensbrand
  • Sir Valgard
As a veteran warrior who once fought under Sir Gabriel Heavensbrand’s leadership, Sir Valgard offers wisdom and guidance to Heavenbrand's son, Sir Gideon, in the newly enlightened age of The Order of Eathyron. Long ago, The Order was a shining star among the factions, and was both devout and righteous. But as time passed, the faction became corrupt, deteriorating into an institution afflicted by greed and discrimination, that seeks to serve the needs of only the wealthiest denizens of Mythoss. As the first in a new wave of non-human warriors to join the faction, Sir Valgard is an inspiration and a true symbol of The Order of Eathyron’s return to greatness.
  • Sir Galeron
  • Sir Owain
  • Silver Knight Legion Builder
  • Golden Knight Legion Builder
  • Sir Godfrey
The Templar Knights are an ancient sect that was once known as the Order of Eathyron's Temple. Once beloved by all in Mythoss, The Templars swore to protect Eathyron's temple, which was believed to be Eathyron's final resting place and home to the Heavensbrand. But after the temple was taken by Necronominus many millennia ago and discovered to be empty, the disgraced Templars were banished from the Order of Eathyron. They have operated clandestinely ever since, but now under Sir Godfrey's leadership and Sir Gideon's guidance, the Templars have returned to the Order of Eathyron.
  • Templar Knights legion builder
  • Steel Knight legion builder
  • Gwendolyne Heavensbrand
  • Delphina of Eathyross
  • Gadriel
  • Gwendolynne Heavensbrand
Her brother Gideon may be the face of the Order of Eathyron, but Commander Gwendolynne Heavensbrand is its fist. This skilled warrior and strategist remains a step ahead of her enemies at all times as she commands her troops from the front lines. Her hardened outlook is often at odds with her brother’s idealistic leadership, but her grit is essential to the Order’s survival.

Sons of the Red Star

  • Skapular the Cryptbreaker
  • Pixxus
The Mercurian army was once arguably the most effective fighting force in all of Mythoss. Pixxus was part of the army's upper echelon and fought side by side with his legendary brother in arms Vitus. Pixxus gave his life in an heroic effort to save an injured Vitus in the final battle fought by the doomed Mercurian army. After being resurrected by the same Necronominian sorcery that drained his life, Pixxus is now consumed with hatred for all that live. Resentment at being torn away from death led to his rejection of the Congregation of Necronominius. He has finally found a home among the Sons of the Red Star, where he can let his hate flow freely as he lines his coffers with gold.
  • Gryshaa the Slitherer


  • Asterionn
Sworn to protect Castle Silverhorn - a fortress hidden deep in the Greentop forest, Asterionn the mighty Minotaur is the first line of defense for Xylonia’s Flock. As captain of Xylonia’s guard, he is the mastermind behind the impenetrable maze of trees, branches and thorns surrounding the castle. With strength and power matched only by his purity of mind and spirit, Asterionn serves as the heart of Castle Silverhorn.
  • Orn Steelhide
  • Bronze Dwarf Legion Builder
  • Silverhorn Sentry
  • Elf Legion Builder
  • Lord Aydon
  • Myria Goldenbranch
  • Faunus
  • Artemis Silverchord

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