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AdmissionSight is a college admissions consulting company with over 10 years of experience guiding students to get accepted into the Ivy League, Stanford, MIT, UChicago, Caltech, and other competitive institutions.[1] The company also provides support for transfer and graduate admissions. The company is a full service college admissions consulting company that promotes the highest levels of academic standards, inspiring its students to become leaders, scientists, researchers, writers, and the gamechangers of tomorrow.

AdmissionSight provides comprehensive support for high school students including SAT/AP preparation, science and academic research, passion project development, extracurricular involvement, academic competition preparation, summer program applications, personal statement editing, interview preparation, and letter of recommendation strategy. On average, 75% of their students are admitted to an Ivy League university, Stanford, MIT, UChicago, and Caltech, one of the highest track records in the industry.


AdmissionSight was founded in 2010 by Eric Eng, a graduate of Princeton University, who noticed a rise in demand for education to elite Ivy League universities and the increasing lack of support for high school students navigating the complex college admissions process. In high school, Eng was a standout academic superstar and a National Merit Scholar, National AP Scholar, USA National Chemistry Olympiad Top 500 in the country, and Siemens Westinghouse semifinalist. He also received the Caltech Signature for his creativity in math, science and technology.

Eng founded AdmissionSight with the mission to guide students and maximize their potential through comprehensive academic and extracurricular support, and crafting a unique narrative to stand out in college admissions. Eng boasts a formidable track record and believes that his students can compete with the country’s best and brightest through its rigorous approach. In addition, AdmissionSight seeks to level the playing field for students of all backgrounds to take advantage of academic and extracurricular opportunities to crack the competitive college admissions process.

AdmissionSight has been featured in US News & World Report, AP Press, Yahoo, BusinessInsider, Quora, and many other media outlets for its insights into college admissions. The company has helped hundreds of students get into elite institutions and boasts a 75% acceptance rate to Ivy League schools, Stanford, MIT, UChicago, and Caltech. Nearly every student in Eng’s Private Consulting Program got accepted into a Top 10 university. The company offers full service support in college admissions, including but not limited to:

  • College Admissions Counseling
  • College Application and Essay Editing
  • Science Research Program (Intel ISEF) - focus on deep learning and artificial intelligence[2]
  • Passion Project Program[3]
  • Humanities Competitions[4]
  • Summer Program Applications
  • SAT/AP Preparation[5]
  • AMC10/12/AIME Tutoring/STEM Olympiads[6]
  • Transfer Admissions
  • Graduate School Admissions[7]
  • Athletic Recruitment[8]

Company Philosophy

AdmissionSight’s team of consultants have graduated from prestigious institutions such as Harvard, Princeton, Stanford. The company’s philosophy lies in building a complete college admissions profile from the ground up from the academics to the extracurricular activities to the personal statements and essays.

Its rigorous approach to the admissions process includes SAT/AP prep, science research, passion projects, leadership development, summer program applications, regional and national academic competitions, and personal statements and essays. AdmissionSight's philosophy is to cultivate each student's unique narrative, ensuring that their application stands out and represents their personal, academic and extracurricular journey.[9]

AdmissionSight Student Success

AdmissionSight students have garnered incredible success and have gone on to win awards at the Intel Science and Engineering Fair, the Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, gold and silver keys in the Scholastic Art and Writing Competition, qualified for the American Invitational Mathematics Exam and Math and Science Olympiads, and recognized in media outlets for their leadership organizations and nonprofits.

Many of its students have attended prestigious summer programs such as the Research Science Institute (RSI), Summer Science Program (SSP), Kenyon Young Writer’s, Iowa Writers Workshop, the Stanford Humanities Institute (SHI), and many others.

AdmissionSight students receive support as early as 7th or 8th grade and enter into the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) programs, and the support extends throughout their high school journey from SAT/AP prep to academic research and standout extracurriculars to summer programs to the college application process.


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