Juan Matallana

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Juan Matallana Verified.png
Picture of Juan Matallana
Picture of Juan Matallana
Born 31 July 2001
Bogota, Colombia
Nationality Colombian
Occupation Entrepreneur
Height 5'11"

Early Life

Juan Matallana, the visionary founder of Uma Concierge, hails from a background rich in diverse experiences. His early life was shaped by his education and a passion for golf. Juan began his educational journey in Bogota, Colombia, where he attended Colegio Andino Dutsche School, undoubtedly receiving a well-rounded education in this culturally vibrant city.

Upon completing his early schooling, Juan ventured to the United States to pursue his high school education. He found his academic home at Chaminade Madonna College Preparatory, where he not only excelled in the classroom but also exhibited his dedication to sports. Notably, Juan Matallana became a member of the Chaminade Madonna golf team during his high school years.

These formative experiences helped develop his skills, both academically and athletically, providing a strong foundation for the future. Juan's journey through education and his dedication to golf eventually played a significant role in his success as the founder of Uma Concierge in Miami.

Uma Concierge, under Juan Matallana's leadership, has become synonymous with luxury travel accommodations, including Villa Rentals, Yacht Charters, Exotic Car Rentals, Jet Charters, and a plethora of unique concierge services. What sets Uma Concierge apart is not only its wide range of services but also its commitment to unmatched hospitality and personalized itineraries, reflecting Juan's dedication to providing exceptional experiences for his clientele.


Juan Matallana, the accomplished founder of Uma Concierge, has forged an illustrious career in the world of luxury travel and hospitality. With an unwavering commitment to excellence and a passion for delivering unforgettable experiences, Juan has redefined the landscape of concierge services in Miami and beyond.

Throughout his career, Juan Matallana's visionary leadership has been the driving force behind Uma Concierge's success. Under his guidance, the company has become a premier destination for those seeking the epitome of luxury travel accommodations. The portfolio of services offered by Uma Concierge is nothing short of exceptional, ranging from opulent Villa Rentals to exclusive Yacht Charters, Exotic Car Rentals, Jet Charters, and an array of other unique concierge services.

What truly sets Juan and Uma Concierge apart is their dedication to providing unmatched hospitality. Every interaction with Uma Concierge is infused with a sense of care, ensuring that each client's needs and desires are not only met but exceeded. It's this dedication to service that has established Uma Concierge as the gold standard in personalized, luxury travel experiences.

Furthermore, Juan Matallana's commitment to his clients is exemplified through the meticulously crafted personalized itineraries that Uma Concierge provides. Each itinerary is a work of art, tailored to the unique preferences and desires of the individual or group. Whether it's a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a corporate retreat, Juan and his team ensure that every detail is thoughtfully considered, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Under Juan Matallana's guidance, Uma Concierge has become a beacon of excellence in the travel and hospitality industry, setting the bar for what can be achieved when passion, innovation, and a dedication to service excellence come together. With an unswerving commitment to delivering unparalleled luxury and unforgettable moments, Juan Matallana continues to shape the future of travel, one extraordinary experience at a time.

Personal Life

Outside of his dynamic career as the founder of Uma Concierge, Juan Matallana treasures his personal life, which is marked by a love for travel, a passion for golf, and a deep devotion to his family and loved ones. These personal pursuits and relationships provide a well-rounded glimpse into the man behind the luxury travel empire.

Travel, which is at the heart of Uma Concierge's mission, is not just a professional endeavor for Juan but a personal passion. He relishes the opportunity to explore new destinations, immerse himself in different cultures, and experience the world's finest accommodations. Juan's appreciation for travel is a testament to his commitment to curating exceptional experiences for Uma Concierge's clients, as he himself seeks out the very best in luxury and adventure.

Golf is another facet of Juan's life that brings him both joy and a sense of camaraderie. In his free time, you can often find him on the golf course, honing his skills and enjoying the challenges the sport offers. His time on the golf course serves as a source of relaxation and allows him to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

However, amidst his professional and personal pursuits, Juan Matallana's greatest passion lies in spending quality time with his family and loved ones. He understands the importance of cherishing moments with those who matter most. Whether it's family getaways, celebrations, or simply enjoying the company of his loved ones, Juan's personal life is grounded in the warmth of his close relationships.

This balance between a love for travel, a passion for golf, and a deep connection to family and loved ones paints a holistic portrait of Juan Matallana. His personal life complements his professional achievements and is a testament to his commitment to creating unforgettable experiences, not only for Uma Concierge's clients but for himself and his cherished inner circle as well.


Juan Matallana, the founder of Uma Concierge, has earned accolades and praise from numerous individuals and organizations within the luxury travel and hospitality industry. His commitment to providing unparalleled services and creating unforgettable experiences for clients has garnered him recognition and admiration from esteemed references:

Client Testimonials: Juan Matallana's impact is best reflected in the glowing testimonials from Uma Concierge's clients. These testimonials often highlight his dedication to personalized itineraries and unmatched hospitality, underscoring the remarkable experiences he and his team deliver. 2. Industry Partners: In the competitive world of luxury travel, Juan's innovative approach and unwavering commitment to excellence have won the respect and collaboration of industry partners. These collaborations demonstrate his influence and leadership in the field.

3. Travel and Hospitality Awards: Over the years, Uma Concierge, under Juan Matallana's guidance, has received prestigious awards and accolades from recognized organizations in the travel and hospitality sector. These awards attest to the company's outstanding services and Juan's remarkable leadership.

4. Media Coverage: Juan Matallana and Uma Concierge have been featured in renowned travel and lifestyle publications. Media coverage showcases his expertise and the exceptional services Uma Concierge offers, further establishing him as a prominent figure in the industry.

5. Colleagues and Peers: Colleagues and peers in the luxury travel and hospitality sector have consistently acknowledged Juan's contributions and dedication. Their recognition underscores his standing as a respected figure in the industry.

These references collectively validate Juan Matallana's reputation as a trailblazer in the luxury travel and concierge services, emphasizing the exceptional quality of experiences offered by Uma Concierge under his leadership.