MSMF-001 M-Frame

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"You've done nothing but hurt me, Stacey.....that's all you're ever good for....SO WHO CARES IF YOU DIE?! YOU NEVER HELPED ME! YOU NEVER CARED FOR ME! YOU NEVER DESERVED TO LIVE! -Anna's emotional fit of rage during the turning point of the story.

The MSMF-001 M-Frame is the mobile suit piloted by Anna Maeger, the main protagonist of MS Drifter: M-FRAME. A MS developed by the United States Armed Forces, the M-Frame was abandoned for unknown reasons, and discovered and is now piloted by Anna, serving as her primary means of defense against Stacey.

It is revealed that the M-Frame, along with the LR-Frame and the Nichtalast were created as part of "Project 219".

Technology and Combat Characteristics

The M-Frame has rather limited combat capabilities, as it lacks any form of weaponry, due to the suit's experimental nature. Its armor, composed of Frame Metal, while durable, can be damaged or even destroyed with sufficient force, rendering the suit especially susceptible to kinetic weaponry.

After Anna is crippled at one point, she is connected to the M-Frame's life support systems. Not only has Anna equipped the suit with weaponry, but it has also now been fitted with thrusters, granting it moderate flight capabilities.


  • CIWS Blade

A foldable sword-like weapon, it is capable of slicing the unarmored portions of a mobile suit.

  • 20mm Anti-Armot Hand Cannon

A large rifle which fires shots designed to penetrate a mobile suit's armor with ease.


Please see Mobile Suit 219 M-FRAME