Imran Savas

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Imran Savas is a prominent entrepreneur and CEO based in Cheshire, known for his remarkable contributions to the business world, his dedication to creating a more inclusive society, and his genuine nature. He has made a lasting impact through his innovative company, Tape UK, as well as his extensive involvement in inspiring and giving back to the community.


Imran Savas is the CEO of Tape UK, a business he founded in 2019. Tape UK specializes in providing a range of essential services including accounting, marketing, and IT services. The company's primary goal is to support entrepreneurs and small businesses across the United Kingdom. Tape UK offers clients the flexibility to select the specific services they require, ensuring they receive professional and experienced support to help them thrive.

He started Tape UK[[1]] from scratch, with no external investments or partners. His determination to create a company that supports businesses and entrepreneurs from various backgrounds has been a driving force behind his success.


He has received numerous accolades, including being nominated for 'Role Model of the Year' at The National Diversity Awards and 'Most Influential Businessperson of the Year' at The MBCC Awards. These nominations highlight his significant impact on both the business landscape and society at large. Imran's list of awards also includes 'Entrepreneur of Excellence' and 'Positive Role Model of the Year for Race, Religion, and Faith.' These recognitions showcase the positive influence he has had on his community and the broader business community.

One unique honor that reflects Imran's significance is his Lego representation in the New Chester Market Display. This recognition symbolizes the respect and admiration he has earned within his community.

Personal Life

Imran Savas' personal journey has shaped his mission to create a more inclusive and equal society. He understands the challenges faced by individuals who come from similar backgrounds, having once found it difficult to relate to successful people who didn't share his appearance or language when he was growing up. This personal experience has fueled his determination to help people facing similar barriers to access opportunities and spaces.

In addition to his business success, Imran is a sought-after speaker who has addressed prestigious events such as TED Talks. He uses his platform to address critical societal issues and inspire individuals to reach their full potential. His genuine and down-to-earth nature, combined with his compassion and willingness to help others, make him a truly inspirational figure.

Imran's commitment to creating a more inclusive society is further demonstrated through his charitable contributions. He actively supports important causes, leveraging his success and resources to make a positive impact in the lives of others. Imran Savas also plays a significant role in inspiring the next generation. By sharing his story, experiences, and insights, he encourages young minds to dream big, pursue their goals with determination and resilience, and nurture their potential to achieve great things.