Eric Monies

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Recent college graduate Eric Monies has made a name for himself as a driven entrepreneur in the technology and digital marketing space. While pursuing a degree in communications with a focus on advertising and promotions, Eric developed a keen interest in digital marketing, blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and foreign currency trading.


With a passion for helping businesses improve their online presence, Eric founded and currently serves as CEO of Online Biz Builders, a digital marketing agency that helps business owners increase their visibility online through services such as Search Engine Optimization, Web design, Facebook advertising, and Google advertising. Despite being less than three years old, Online Biz Builders has already established itself as a reputable agency known for its personal approach to marketing.


In addition to his work with Online Biz Builders, Eric is heavily invested in the blockchain industry. He is currently working on developing a security company that utilizes blockchain technology to provide proactive security solutions, as well as implementing cryptocurrency and Defi trading strategies.

Eric is also involved in the renewable energy sector, working on a project to create advanced, yet affordable solar energy solutions for both residential and commercial properties.


Outside of his business ventures, Eric is dedicated to giving back to his community. He holds a leadership position with the Stamford Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals group HYPE and is actively involved in several charitable organizations.
